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{Eren's POV}

I check my watch as I pull into the parking spot. 11:30 PM. I'm dead. I run up the stairs and, as quietly as I can, unlock the door to sneak in. When I make it inside, I see Levi is no where to be found. I suck in my breath and creep around the house. I finally find him asleep in our bed. I sighing quietly and smile. He's so beautiful when he sleeps. His expression isn't one of anger, boredom, or maybe just plain dislike. It's vulnerable and I love it.

I slip off my jeans and t-shirt and crawl into the small bed. He doesn't move, so I take it that he's definitely asleep. Sighing happily, I roll over to him and wrap my arms around him. I lay my head against his back and take a deep breath. God, I love him.

Waking up the next morning is hell. There's a bright light shining through my eyelids, it smells like burnt food, and my phone is ringing much too loudly for this time.

Leaning over, I grab it, quite annoyed. I slide the answer button and put it up to my ear.

"Hello?.." my voice comes out groggy and harsh.

"Jaeger, You better have a damn good excuse for being late AND standing up two of your appointments." I scrunch my eyebrows together. Late? I'm never late. As I look at the clock, my eyes almost bulge out of my head.

"Holy crap. I'll be right there, Ymir. Hold onto my 12:30?" She groans and hangs up. I rush out of the bed and scramble around trying to get dressed. I almost fall three times.

I jump into the Honda and speed away, calling Levi while I'm at it. His voice is monotone and annoyed at the same time, when he answers.

"What, Jaeger."

"What the hell, Levi? You didn't bother to actually wake me up?"

"Well, I figured you must be extra tired, seeing you came home late."

I groan outloud as I miss my turn.

"I have to go. We will talk about this later."

Pissed off. Agitated. Tired. Upset. All of those words describe the rest of my work day.


When I get home, I want to punch someone. It doesn't happen often, but when I do get like this, it isn't pretty. I grudgingly walk in the door, slamming it closed with my foot and dropping my keys on the side table.

Groaning, I go and sit at the kitchen table. If hes not here yet, he'll be home in a couple minutes. And without a doubt, I hear his car door slam outside the building. I lean heavily on my hand as I listen to him trudge up the steps and shove the key in the lock.

He slams the door, jarring the walls, and walks in silently. He sees me and takes a deep breath. I'm about to open my mouth to start the conversation, but he turns around and takes me out.

"Don't say anything, Jaeger. I'm not about to listen to whatever lie you have."

I glare at him, shocked he would say such a thing.

"What the fuck, Levi? I was going to ask why you're so pissed off."

He spins on his heel, his eyes narrow and cold.

"Why am I pissed? You came home fucking late from "hanging out" with the dumbass mushroom piece of shit and without a single message."

I jump up, angry. How dare he say this shit? And to think I was out that entire fucking time... it was a mistake.

"Levi, you don't even know why I was late. And I actually do have a reason for it, so fuck you."

"Oh really? Let's here it, brat." I bite my lip. I cant tell him the real reason, yet. Well, shit.

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