chapter 3

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Jordan's POV

"We are going to a brand new home, and the pack already living there are probably all a bunch stuck up know it all's, this sucks!" I couldn't help but chuckle at my friends complaining. We had been traveling for a couple of days and last night we traveled through the night to get here faster. Tamer (my friend) was still a little peeved at the pack that made him do all the walking, even though it was his own.

     As we were walking a delicious sent engulfed me. It smelled of strawberries and fresh woods. My wolf perked up, he began to shout the same words in my mind.

"Mate, Mine!"

      I looked around trying to find where the sent was coming from. Finally i found where the sent was coming from, well where I thought it was coming from anyways. On the top level of the house was a window, through the window I could see a girl looking at my pack. Our eyes met, and I could feel a smile creeping onto my face. We locked eyes and didn't look away, that is until her eyes widened and she vanished. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say its because she wasn't wearing a shirt. I was fine with seeing her with out a shirt but I wasn't to keen on the fact that other males might have been able to see her. Just thinking about it made my wolf angry.

" Why are you smiling?" my friend asked with a big smirk on his face. I wasn't about to tell him what I saw, so I just shrugged and changed the subject.

     "Do you wanna race into the house?" I knew he was going to say yes but before he said anything I started to run. I wanted to meet the girl in the window and see if she had the same sent that I loved so much!


We were the last two inside the pack house. My Father would have my head for this later, considering the alphas son should never be late to something as important as this. When we entered the house we were both greeted by a death glare from both the alpha leaders from both packs.

     After a few moment's of silence I heard some foot steps come down the stares. In an instant the alpha from the other pack snapped his head to the girl coming down the stairs. My fathers glare stayed directed at me. I tried to apologize through our mind link but he blocked me out.

      When i looked from my father to the girl coming down the stairs I was more then shocked. It was her, the girl in the window. She came to stand by the alpha and that's when I realized that she was his daughter. She began to blush for some reason and she looked absolutely adorable.


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