chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Emme's POV

     We have been running for 2 days strait with no rest and we still haven't gotten to Navia. We knew we were getting close, we could smell them.

     We ran a couple more miles and we found it. Navia, we new what it looked like because of the book. It was absolutely amazing.

     Trees as far as the eye could see, waterfalls, exotic animals,  and in the middle was a clearing. In the clearing stood a tall castle. How come a ROUGE alpha gets to live in such a beuatiful place?

     As soon as we stepped out of the tree line and into rogues territory we were ambushed. I was thrown backwards into a tree, my heed hitting the ground when I landed. I could feel hot liquid run down my forehead and onto my cheek.

     I was starting to get really dizzy. As soon as I stood up I fell back down. The last thing I remember was Jordan, Elisabeth, and Tamer being carried away from me. I thought I was going to be left behind but to my displeasure someone picked me up bridle style and carried me to the others.

     I tried to fight the darkness from taking over but it was to late. With one final look at Jordan I let the darkness take me over.


     I awoke under a willow tree. I couldnt see my friends or Jordan. They were gone. I couldnt feal the bond that that I had with Jordan or the kids....was I dead?

     Out of the corner of my eye I saw movement. I wiped my head around to see a beuatiful woman in a long white dress with emerald green eyes staring at me.

     "Your not dead Emme I just need to talk to you. We dont have much time, if they think you are dead then they will waist no time throwing you away. You may not interrupt am I understood?" I nodded and the lady continued "I am the moon goddess and you are the one I have chosen to help the rogues alpha. As we speek your pups and Elizabeth's pups are finding and bringing his mate to you. All you have to do is stall, I will help you with everything but you must be brave as you always are."

     I pondered everything she just said. "Well not meaning to disrespect you in any was moon goddess, but no freaking duh you picked me." I lifted up my arm to show her the marking.

     She looked at me with amusement in her eyes. Then the other thing she said hit me. "What do you mean my pups are coming. I told them to stay put in the house. I dont want them anywhere near this psychopath. "

     She looked at me for another moment "Do you really think your pups are going to listen to you? Anyways the young pups know his mate. They will be perfectly safe with her."

     Before I could argue anymore everything became blurry. When I could finally Open my eyes again I was in a dark cell.

     As soon as I sat up I herd gasps. I looked around and sure enough I was in a cell. Everyone else was in a cell too but there's looked so much smaller then mine.

     I tried to move around but I felt pain and a deep sting on my wrist.  I looked up and saw I was chained to the wall with silver chain's.

     I screamed out in pain when the pain became deeper and wouldnt stop. Jordan yelled out my name and came to the bars. No one else was chained to the wall.

     I was about to black out again but something or more like someone wouldnt let me. I heard Jordan's deep growl ripping through the cells. I looked up and sure enough there towering above me was the rogues alpha.

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