chapter 5

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Jorden's POV

I had to go see her, she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Her long red hair went strait down to her hips. It Flowed behind her as she rushed up stares. I had to get to know her more. I had to know if she was the one.

     As soon as she stepped into the room I could sense it, the beautiful smell I sensed while coming to the house. I stepped back to control myself from doing something impulsive.

     I knew it, she was my mate and my mate only. I couldn't hold it back anymore, the desire was to much. I grabbed her wrist and pinned her to the wall.

  Her eyes became wide with... well actually she was very hard to read I couldn't tell what she was thinking or feeling but I could hear her heart.

     It was beating ten times faster then it probably should have been.

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