Chapter 9

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Jordan's POV

     I was utterly shocked and surprised that she just shoved me out of her room like that. I was upset aswell because I knew she was going to go take a shower, thanks to the mate mind link. I wanted to be in there with her, caressing her body and making her mine. Deciding to go in and be with her, I went to open the door.  I was surprised yet again when i found it unlocked. Oh she was in trouble. I walked into her room, then into her bathroom just in time to see her about to take off her underwear and bra.

     "What the....what are you doing in here? Get out Jordan!" my wolf was about to come out due to anger. I pushed her into the shower pressing her agenst the wall. I put my head in her neck and took a good wif of her sent to calm my wolf. When she looked into my eyes she immediately turned her face away.

"Look at me." I growled, she wouldn't. I was getting exstreamly ticked off at her. I grabbed her chin and made her look at me. "When i tell you to look at me the next time you better do it. You are mine and you do what i say when I say it. The next time you disobey me you will be pinished."

     Emme leaned forward and in a teasing voice whispered "I thought mates weren't supposed to hurt each other." She smirked at her comment in triumph, but it soon disappeared when I picked her up pushing her against the wall. The shower was on and water was dripping on both of us. I leaned in and bit her ear, making her let out a gasp. I started to grind against her while still bitting and playing with her ear, slowly making my way to her neck.

     I pulled away smirking at her "Punishments dont always have to hurt baby. Sometimes they can be pleasurable, only when you tell me to stop I dont, instead I make you cum as many times at I want you too, and I make it so you wont be able to walk the next morning." At my words her eyes widened with curiosity and lust. Her hands came up to my shoulders and her nails dug into me pulling me closer. I could feel my wolf coming back to the surface, so I let it him out.

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