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They say curiosity killed the cat. But why kill the cat when you can read body language?

Is he angry? Is she happy? Is he sad? Is she excited? Is he jealous? We get curious about one thing or the other.

While meeting/interacting with people we often come across these questions. We are not sure how the other person is feeling. This gets frustrating when asking them is never an option.

So how can we know what the other person is feeling without asking them? The answer is BODY LANGUAGE! We can read their body language and know what's on their mind.

This book contains some facts about body language. Reading this may not make you an expert but it surely will give you some clues about people's body language.

Each chapter includes an exercise where you have to guess their facial expression.



Body language is not an exact science. No single body language sign is a reliable indicator. Understanding body language involves the interpretation of several consistent signals to support or indicate a particular conclusion. 


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