Eye Reading

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They've existed for 540 million years and most of us have a pair, but aside from giving us sight, what can we tell from looking at someone's eyes?

1.When someone is widening his/her eyes it generally signals interest in something or someone, and often invites positive response.

2.When someone is rubbing eye or eyes it can indicate disbelief, as if checking the vision, or upset, in which the action relates to crying, or tiredness.

3. When people eye shrug it signals frustration or exasperation, as if looking to the heavens for help.

4.When someone dilates their pupil it means he/she is interested or attracted to the person we're talking to or the object we're looking at.

5. When someone is blinking frequently it is a a sign of excitement or pressure.

6. When someone is blinking infrequently it can be probably due to boredom, concentration - if accompanied with a strongly focused gaze or signals of hostility or negativity.

7.When someone is raising their eyebrows (eyebrow 'flash') it signals greeting, recognition, acknowledgement.

8.When someone is Winking it means friendly acknowledgement, complicity (e.g., sharing a secret or joke).

9.When someone is Looking to right-it means the person is creating, fabricating, guessing, lying or storytelling.

10.When someone is Looking to left-it means the person is recalling, remembering, retrieving 'facts.

11. When someone is Looking right and up- it means visual imagining, fabrication, lying.

12.When someone is Looking right sideways- it means the person is imagining sounds

13.When someone is Looking right and down- it means accessing feelings.

14. When someone is Looking left and up- it means recalling images truthfulness.

15. When someone is Looking left sideways- it means recalling or remembering sounds.

16. When someone is Looking left down-It indicates self-talking, rationalizing.

17.When there is direct eye contact (while speaking)-it indicates honesty - or faked honesty.

18.When there is direct eye contact (while listening)-it tend to indicate focused interested attention too, which is normally a sign of attraction to the person and/or the subject.

*drum-roll* Now this is your exercise. Guess what he is feeling..

 Guess what he is feeling

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