Confident Body language

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Stop reading for a moment, and notice how you are sitting or standing.

Where are your arms? What is the expression on your face?

If someone were to walk in the room right now, what preconceptions might they make about you simply based on your body language?

1.Practice smiling-Smiling not only makes you more attractive and trustworthy, it also improves your health, your stress level, and your feelings about yourself.According to several studies, smiling can trick your brain into feeling happy, even when you feel sad as you're smiling. 

2. Postures- When standing you should be able to draw an imaginary straight line from your earlobe through your shoulder, hip, knee and the middle of your ankle. Good posture reflects a confident demeanor to others. When you stand straight, with your shoulders back and head held high, you look self-assured and poised. 

3.Use engaged body language- Think about upcoming situations in which you want to reach an agreement or win someone over. Practice the encounter beforehand using engaged body language. In casual conversation, practice mirroring expressions and movements so you feel confident with it before your big meeting.

4. Remember your arms and legs- Begin to change the position of your arms and legs. Put your hands in your lap when sitting and by your side when standing. Crossing your legs at the knee for comfort is fine, as long as it's not combined with crossed arms.

5. Have a strong handshake-A firm, sold handshake is a universal sign of confidence, and everyone, including women, should have one. A handshake should be strong, but not crushing, offered with a cool dry hand and a few up and down shakes, as well as a few seconds of eye contact.

6. Dress for confidence- Does your wardrobe add to your confidence or diminish it? Do you often find yourself in sloppy clothing or not dressed appropriately for the situation? Dressing well will add to your confidence, even when you are feeling down.

7. Practice appropriate eye contact- Eye contact suggests you're truthful, engaging, and approachable. It imparts a sense of intimacy and confidence to your interactions, and makes the other person feel more positive and connected to you. However, too much eye contact can send the signal you're aggressive or maybe even a little strange.

8. Use power poses- For a quick, instant boost in confidence take a minute and do the "power pose". Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and raise your hands above your head (like you just won the Superbowl). Look up, slap a big goofy grin on your face, and breathe deep into your belly. As you inhale, imagine your chest expanding and filling the room – as your hands reach up and touch the ceiling. Hold this pose for a full minute. By doing this your body language will communicate strong feelings of power and confidence to your brain in a short amount of time.

Now, exercise time~

Now, exercise time~

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