Body Language mistake

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  The brain picks up visual cues from body language without even realizing it, and you want to make sure to send out the right signals.

1. Weak Handshakes- A weak handshake makes you look weak. Starting a meeting with a firm handshake signals that you are confident and capable.

2. Leaning Back- This body language mistake signals that you are disinterested and daydreamy. This body language is offensive at all times, but particularly when you are supposed to be listening to someone speak as it can be interpreted as you being dismissive of what they have to say.

3. Hiding Your Hands-Standing with your hands behind your back in your pockets is incredibly common, but it sends a bad message. Subconsciously, the people you are with may interpret this as you having something to hide. This is also the case when sitting at a desk or table and having your hands in your lap. Instead, keep your hands where they are visible and learn to be comfortable with them at your side or in front of you.

4. Fidgeting- Whether you are playing with your hair, shuffling papers, or tapping your foot, fidgeting is a great way to come across as underprepared, anxious, and dishonest.

5. Exaggerated Gestures- Wondering why you shouldn't overdo the gestures? While small gestures make you look like a good leader who is passionate about what you do, exaggerated gestures can make you look arrogant. When gesturing, be particularly careful of the personal space of those around you.

6. Slouching- Slouching and allowing your body to fold in on itself makes you appear weak and unenergetic. Particularly in a high-energy profession like event planning, this is a terrible impression to make.

7. Crossing Your Arms (Or Legs)- Crossing your arms in any way makes you appear closed off or unwilling to negotiate. In the right circumstances, it can even be interpreted as combative and rude. Instead of crossing your arms, let them relax gently at your sides or on the desk/table in front of you.

8. Touching Your Face-This is probably the most surprising body language mistake on this list! You probably think that putting your hand on your chin makes you look intelligent or like you are considering something carefully. Turns out that touching your face actually makes you look dishonest, particularly if your hand is touching your mouth or nose.

9. Not Mirroring- People who are listening intently to someone unconsciously mirror their body language. If the person you are listening to has their hands folded, it's likely that you will have your hands folded. If he tilts his head to the left, you will likely tilt your head to the right to mirror his behavior.

10. Watching the Clock (Or Your Phone)-You know better. Don't do it. Resist the urge to check the clock or your phone during individual or group meetings. Checking the clock or your phone throughout a meeting implies you have more important things to do. 

11.Avoiding eye contact makes you look untrustworthy. When you are listening to someone, look them in the eye. 

And too much eye contact makes you appear adversarial and intense. Aim for no more than 10 seconds at a time. Be sure to break eye contact every few seconds, but come back to show you are still engaged.



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