Signs of attraction (Female)

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  Stop missing opportunities with women because you're not noticing these top signs of female attraction mentioned below.

1. She laughs at your jokes and thinks that you are funny.

2. She will try to touch you (accidentally).

3. She will fix herself- straighten herself, flick her hair, touch her neck etc.

4. They will try to make eye contact with you.

5. When women are interested in men they will slowly start showing him glimpses of their wrists and the more they like them the longer the glimpses will last.

6. Personal questions are a common sign of attraction many men miss.

7.  When women feel interest in someone they will start pointing at them either with their feet (usually their lead walking foot or both) while standing, or their knee while sitting.

8. When a woman joins her hands together by putting one over the other and resting her face on them,it means she likes the company of the man and wants to display her face on a pedestal to gain his attention and let him admire her.

9. When it comes to proximity and positioning, we all draw a line as to how much we want a person to come near us. Women who break those lines and lean into you are actually into you. If you lean closer and she leans away, there's a poor chance for you to succeed. But when her arms are not stiffened and crossed and if she is letting you enter her personal space, she wants you to go on.

10. They will nod, they will rub their chin, they will look from side to side, or they will tilt their head, among other movements.

 When evaluating signs of female attraction, you need to pay attention not just to what she's doing, but also the context in which she does it. Her signs of attraction aren't a statement or even a paragraph. They're a whole story and you have to look at everything before making your final determination.  

Exercise time guys! 

Exercise time guys! 

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