Chapter Six: Off to the Soul Academy

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Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach, the author is tite kubo. I just used the world he created and used it to create this fanfic. I make no money from it.

Jason woke up to the smell of something cooking. He slowly got up.

"Was that a dream?" He said as he rubbed his head.

"That was no dream sir, you seriously got injured!"

Jason jumped out of the bed screaming, "Who the hell are you?!?"

"Well, that's a mean way to say 'hi'." The small girl pouted. She seemed to be the age of seven. Her hair being blonde like Jason's but at shoulder length with black tips at the end.

"Sorry, its just that you startled me there."

"Oh, sowwy, Mister" The girl apologized.

"It's ok... Wait, where the hell are my clothes?!?" Jason yelped as he noticed that he only wore underwear.

"They smelled ewwy, so I threw them, here some new ones!" she threw the clothes at his head.

"Ah, thanks, umm whats your name now?" He asked while putting on the clothes.

"My name, well, its Sagings! Anna Sagings!"

"How about yours Mister?"

"Oh, my name is Jason, umm do you live here alone?"

"Nope, I live with big brother, he's cooking, let's go say hi!" She pulled Jason's hand and ran out the door as he tried not to scream in agony because of his left leg.

They reached another room that seemed to be the kitchen. Jason now trying to hold in the tears of pain, while the little girl ecstatically said, "Brother, brother, blondie is up."

"Anna, I told you to tell me if he woke up." The brown-haired boy sweetly told his sister.

"Oh, sowwy brother." She looked sad as if she did something horrible.

"It's okay, don't worry. Anyway's, good to see you awake, you've been unconscious for a couple of days now, uh your name please."

"Jason, and what do you mean unconscious?" He demanded to know.

"Well, nice to meet you Jason, I'm Landon, and well my sister and I found you unconscious in the rain on our way home. You had a nasty wound on your left leg and we couldn't leave you there. We decided to take you to our home and heal you. So, here we are."

"Thanks, I appr-"

All of a sudden there was a loud knock and a voice shouting, "Open up! Its time for you to pay!"

The siblings both froze and their faces' began to lose color. Jason now confused was about to ask what was going on when Landon knelt down to his sister and quietly told her.

"Go hide in the room, yea?"

The girl now frightened ran into her room.

"Jason, I know your leg hasn't completely healed but can you please come with me outside."

"Of course, but may I ask who was-" He was cut off by a loud bang.

Four brute men entered. Landon ran to the room while Jason limped right behind.

"Ah, there you are Mr. Sagings, I apologize about the door, but no one was answering." A bald muscular man in the middle said. He seemed to be the leader for he made the other three men look like wimps.

"I. I'm sorry, but we didn't make enough this month." Landon nervously said.

"Well then, we have a problem don't we? You see my boss doesn't like late fee's. In fact he prefers to kill those who're late." His evil eye's showed that he wasn't bluffing.

"Sir, like I said, I apologize but if you could just give me another week, I promise I will get your money." He began to tremble. Jason couldn't believe what was happening.

"Too bad, I will just have to kill you and as for your sister, well she will be a great asset to our sex trade." He grinned as he raised his sword,he proceeded to lunged towards the browned hair boy, only to have his sword caught by someone.

"What the?!"

"What the hell do you think you're doing boy!?"His voice demanded.

Jason calmly replied with a sickened face, "Me? Well I'm the boy who's gonna kick your ass!"

With his right hand he punched the bald man making him fall on his knee's. He then grabbed him by the throat and raised the man to the air, only to slam him down. Jason glared at the other three men.

"I suggest you take your boss out of here and never come back!" Jason ordered. The other three men grabbed their boss and ran out the door in fear.

There was silence between the two teens, which was then broken by a running Anna.

"Big bro! You're otay!" She hugged her older brother.

"Yea, thanks to our friend Jason here."

He then stood up and told his new friend, "I can never repay for what you've done for me and my sister."

"Ah, it's the least I could do, I mean the both of you did heal me." He smiled with his hand in his hair.

"You have great abilities Jason, have you ever thought of going to the soul academy and becoming a Soul Reaper?" Landon asked.

"In all honesty, I have my grandfather to thank for my abilities. He's the one who trained me." Jason now spoke quietly, still grieving over the death of his grandfather.

Landon seeing his change in mood told the other teen, "I'm sure he would be proud of you."

There was a minute of silence and Jason accepted the fact that he couldn't change his past. He would just have to continue forward, its what his Grandfather would've wanted.

"Thank you, and maybe you're right. I should go to the soul academy, only, I don't know where it is."

With a poker face Landon replied, "You can't miss it, just go south and you'll know where it is."

"Ah, well I guess I'll get going, thanks for everything."

Then out of no where he was jumped by the little girl who was now crying, "Don't leave. Anna will miss Jason."

Saddened at the sight Jason apologized, "I'm sorry Anna but I have to go, but hey, once you're older you should join too."

With a change in mood she leapt out of Jason's arms and smiled, "Okay, Anna will grow and become strong like Jason!"

He chuckled as he got up and began to walk out of the house. Smiling back at them he said, "See ya"

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