Chapter FortySeven:Sad Rivalry

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The two landed onto the midst of a ruined battlefield. Red dust filled the air, enough so to even cover the Sun. Many soul reapers laid in the ground, their blood painting the battlefield. It was silent, nobody made a sound as they all stared at the Vasto Lorde.

Jason was besides Ichigo. Off in the distance was Botsu; who looked like he would pass out at any moment. Mira stood besides him, her trident at the ready. Nozomi was a few feet away with April. Nozomi's knee white high socks were tainted in red, meanwhile April's eyes looked as if she was in denial. A bit away from all of them was Draven, the First Demon, he however looked fine and rather amused at the creature before him.

The White Vasto Lorde looked rather skeletal in appearance. A white horn sprouting from its skull. Its eyes were a dark void of emptiness. A black cross was painted on its back as it emitted a red aura around its body. The ground beneath it trembled. It turned its head towards Jason as it gave a low, menacing growl.

"That's Ash..." Ichigo explained to Jason, "He's transformed into a Vasto Lorde, and a dangerous one at that."

"But how?!"

"Draven pushed him beyond his limits, releasing that form."

Jason gritted his teeth, "That bastard..."

Draven disappeared from the battlefield, stunning everyone. They all looked around, not able to sense his energy. That is, until he appeared in front of Jason.

"You're Alec's boy, aren't you?" He asked as his horse appeared besides him.

Jason glared at the Demon. He unsheathed his zanpakutō and placed a firm grip.

"Whoa there cowboy, I ain't want no trouble," Draven said, "I was simply following orders from your Father. However, it seems you've killed the man. Meaning I ain't got no purpose here."

"And you think we'll let you leave, just like that?"

"You ain't got no choice, boy. And you best watch your tone with me," He mounted his horse, "For as of now, I can defeat you all in your current state, even with Ichigo at your side. But I am not the problem right now, your friend there is. So, for now I'll leave to Hueco Mundo, follow me, if you dare!"

He opened a Garganta and strode away on his horse.

"Jason," Ichigo said, "Can I leave you to take care of your friend? There is still the Second Demon Braxer, and it seems your friend Stephen could use my help."

"Yeah, go." Jason said with a serious tone.

Ichigo nodded and left the battlefield.

Jason carefully walked towards his friends, doing his best not to anger the Vasto Lorde.

"Are you guys up to it?" Jason asked to the group. "Botsu?"

"Yeah, I'm just gonna need a long vacation after this."

Jason turned towards Mira, "You?"

"Yeah, I follow wherever this dork goes."

"How about you, April?"

She gave a slight nod, still in denial at what was going on.


"He's my brother, I have to save him."

"Very well," Jason took a deep breathe, "The only way I think of freeing him is by slicing off that nasty horn on his skull." He placed his hand on his wound as it continued to bleed," Can you all district him until I get a clear shot?"

Everyone nodded, even April.

Ash- or rather the creature that embodied him- roared at them. Botsu was the first to take off, using his rapier to fend of the beast. It, however grabbed ahold of his blade and shattered it with its bare hands. It snarled at Botsu and was about to fling him if it wasn't for Mira, who stabbed it in its arm with her trident.

The creature screamed, not in pain but in anger. With its free hand, he took hold of Mira's hair and hissed at her. That's when April stepped in, she used her sword to slice off the arm grabbing Mira. She looked into its empty eyes, hoping to find any traces of Ash.

"Raaaawwwwhhhhrrrr!" It screamed further. With its tail, it lashed at the three, sending them flying a few meters away. Using its horn, it released a Cero to the three.

If it wasn't for Nozomi, who blocked the attack by using Arazome Shigure, the three most likely would've been disintegrated. What made it a predicament for Nozomi was the fact that the beast continued using the Cero, as if it had an unlimited amount of energy. Her shikai began to crack under the pressure of the Cero.

That's when Jason found his chance. With the creature distracted, he used Bankai.

"BAN-KAI, Raiden-Sama!"

With his transformation, Jason was able to break the sound barrier, allowing him to move faster than the beast. He created a lightning rod as he appeared next to it, and sliced the horn off, stopping the Cero.

"Uwargh!" The beast screamed as it stumbled backwards a bit.

A moment later and the white bones cracked and cracked, until at last, Ash appeared, but not in a healthy state.

Jason grabbed ahold of him before he fell. He laid him down softly onto the ground.

"Jason..." Ash softly said, "What's going on?"

"Nothing, don't talk, just wait till we can heal you."

Everyone else appeared besides Ash.

"Y-you guys."

Botsu and Mira didn't say anything. It was April who first spoke:

"A-are you okay?" She asked as she knelt down besides him, grabbing ahold of his hand.

"Yeah, just that-" The hand that April was holding began to turn to dust. "Heh, looks like my time has come."

"Don't say that!" April cried.

"I'm sorry, April." He looked at Jason, "Please, take care of them, and my Sister."

"Yeah..." He murmured although deep down he wished that he could save him somehow.

"Sister, come here."

She knelt next to him as well, her voice choked, "Y-yeah, big bro?"

"Don't cry, Sis. It hurts me when I see you like that. Don't tell Mother anything," His arm by this point was gone, as well as his legs, gone with the wind. "P-promise?"

"I-I promise." She broke into tears now.

"April, I lo-"

Before he could finish, he was gone.

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