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"Mm," Harry hummed as he awoke from his sleeping state. His eyelids fluttered open and he took in the unfamiliar surroundings.

He began to panic, but quickly calmed down when memories of last night came flooding back.

He was at Louis' house. His new neighbour.

"Harry?" Louis mumbled as he slowly began to wake up.

"Yeah, Lou?" The boy questioned.

"My legs are asleep. Can you please get off me?"

After those words left the older lad's lips, that's when the green-eyed boy noticed his head was resting on Louis' lap, "oh, oops! Sorry about that, I didn't mean to fall asleep here in the first place." He sits up, and notices Louis' messy, ruffled up hair.

Damn, he looked hot, Harry thought.

"Do I have something on my face?" The blue-eyed man asked confused. He didn't understand why the young lad was staring at him.

"No, no," the small lad began to blush.

"Then why are you staring at me, and blushing, now?"

"No reason," Harry giggled, "thank you for listening to me rant about my family last night."

"No problem, love. I didn't mind listening to you rant about your family" Louis replied softly.

"Sorry about judging you yesterday when I first met you. I shouldn't have done that, and, again, I'm sorry for that."

"It's fine."


"Yeah" the man replied, he smiled then yawned.


"Do you think my mum is worried about where I am?" Harry asked as he cut up his pancakes into pieces, "do you, Louis?"

"Umm, I'm not sure, babe," Louis licked his lips then plopped a piece of his pancake into his mouth.

"If you were my mum, would you worry about where I am?"

Louis swallowed his piece of pancake, "well, yes, I would. But, Harry, I'm not your mum, so . . ."

"I know, I was just curious to know what your response would be."

"Mm, alright then."

"Shit. What time is it?" The small boy asked worriedly as he remembered he was supposed to go to the park today to meet up with his friends.

"Umm," the man checked his watch on his wrist, "one-thirty-two pm," he looked at the other lad, "why?"

"I was supposed to meet my friends at the park this morning at eleven," the green-eyed boy pulled out his phone from his back pocket of his jeans, he turned it on and saw that he had four missed called, plus ten unread messages, "they're probably so pissed off, right now."

"Calm down, Harry. Message them, let them know you're sorry and that you got busy today."

"But, that's lying. Isn't it?" The curly haired lad replied confused.

"No, not really. You are busy, you're hanging out with me," the feathery haired man raised his eyebrows, "aren't you?"

"Y-yeah, I guess I am."


"Lets get to know each other."

"Sure. What would you like to know about me, babe?" Louis replied amused. He watched the boy ponder in thought, and he found it quite cute how the small lad looked when he was lost in thought.

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