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               Harry jumped, startled, when he felt arms wrap around his waist from behind, but he instantly calmed down when he heard a familiar voice say "don't be scared, it's just me."


"Yeah" the man replied, he chuckled then let go of the boy, "it's me."

The small boy turned around to face Louis, "you scared me," he blushed and looked down at his feet.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that."

"It's okay" the green-eyed lad said, giggling. He looked back up at the man and smiled, "so, are we going to the mall?"

The older lad stared at the young lad with a smile upon his face. He was taking a liking to Harry, and he knew it. He pursed his lips then replied "yeah, of course. We'll take my car to get there."

"Okay. Yeah, sure."


"So, tell me more about yourself" Louis said as they drove along the highway, making their way to the mall, "I'm curious to know more about you."

"Well, umm, I love to read, cook and bake. I've always wanted to wear more feminine-like sweaters and stuff," Harry blushed, "a-and I really want to paint my nails."

"Mm," the man hummed, "you're quite interesting," he removed one hand from off the steering wheel and patted the boy's knee, "tell me more," he placed his hand back on the wheel.

"Umm, I have great friends. I have Niall, he loves food, football, and he's very carefree. I have Eleanor, she is quiet, very smart, and she tends to be independent. I have Jessie, he's shy, quiet, but loves to party. Then I have Amber, she is loud, bubbly, and very sassy. We all mesh very well together, and we always stick together no matter what."

"Mm, I have two friends that live here, so I'll get to see them more often, now. Plus, they work at the same university as me. Liam, my friend, he's a Science professor. And my other friend, Zayn, he's a Art professor," the feathery haired lad pulled into the parking lot of the mall, "we've known each other for about ten years."

"Wow," the small boy said intrigued, "I love hearing about your life, Lou. It's way more exciting than mine," he frowned then unbuckled himself when the man parked the car.

"Nah, my life is boring, babe," Louis laughed.

"No, it's not," the other lad replied, he frowned even more, "I rather be living your life than mine."

"Nah, my life isn't really all that great, but it's getting better. Especially since I've met someone that I'm taking a liking to" the older lad said softly. He smiled at the confused looking boy.

"When did you- When did you have time to meet someone else, besides me?" Harry asked confused.

The blue-eyed man chuckled, "I didn't, I was talking about you."

Harry's cheeks turned bright red as he realized what the man had said, "oh!" He giggled and blushed even more, "I-I don't even know what to say to that, Louis."

"It's fine, Haz," Louis unbuckled himself and opened his door, "we just met yesterday, so how about we hang out and see how things turn out in the future?"

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