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               "I had fun tonight, Haz" Louis stated as he got out of his parked car. They arrived at his home just a few moments ago.

The boy stared at the man as he closed the passenger's door at the same time Louis closed his own door.

"Did you have fun as well?" The blue-eyed man questioned as he walked around to the other side of the vehicle -- Where Harry was stood. "You did, right?"

The curly haired boy didn't reply, no. Instead he turns around, his back facing the older lad instead.





"Babe, what did I do?" The feathery haired man asked confused, "did I do something to make you upset with me? Was it something I said?"

"You practically rejected me!" Harry cried angrily. He turned around to face Louis, and once he did, he felt tears fall down his flushed cheeks. "Do you just want me to fool around with?" He whispered, "am I just a boy-toy to you, Louis?"

"W-what?" The older lad chocked out. He was beyond shocked and confused.

"I said!" The small boy shouted angrily, "am I a fucking boy-toy to you, Louis?!"

"N-no, of course, you're not," the brim of the man's eyes filled with tears, "I'd never do that. I could never hurt someone as small and amazing as you." He hesitantly wrapped his arms around the young lad's waist. "What did I do to make you think that?"

"You rejected me . . ." The green-eyed boy whimpered, "you didn't-still don't-want to go on a date with me . . ."

"Oh, love . . ." Louis frowned, he pulled the boy close to his chest and began to soothingly rub the small boy's back. "I do want to go on a date with you, but not yet. Lets take it slow, alright? Lets just be friends for awhile, and if we still like each other in the future . . ." He let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding, "then we'll go out on a date, babe. Sound good?"

"Y-yeah, whatever" Harry mumbled sadly. He moved away from the man and sighed, "I need to get home before my mum notices that I'm not there."

"Alright . . ."

"Bye," the young boy began to walk back to his house, but was quickly stopped when a hand grabbed ahold of his wrist. He was spun around to be met by bright blue eyes. "L-Louis?"

The feathery haired man didn't reply, no. Instead he cupped the young lad's right cheek with his spare hand, he licked his lips then leaned in. He connected his thin lips with the boy's plump ones.

After a short few moments of their lips being connected, the blue-eyed man decides to lean back, "don't be upset with me."

"I-I'm not" the green-eyed boy chocked out. He was very shocked, yet he was very happy at the same time. "I-I need to get home, now, though."

"Yes, of course."

"Bye, Louis" Harry murmured.

"Bye, babe."


Harry: I hate being at home.

Louis: Well I can't do much about that, babe.

Harry: I know . . .
Or, maybe you could kidnap me and drive away to another city.

[N]ext [D]oor [N]eighbour || L.S || - Short story.Where stories live. Discover now