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"What movie would you like to watch, love?"

"Erm, I don't know. There is so many good choices," Harry purses his lips then looks over at Louis, "what do you think we should watch?"

"Well, lets take a look at the options, hmm?" The man rested his hand on the young lad's lower back and guided him over to the wall that had all of the movies listed. "Lets, see what there is . . ." He internally smiled at the fact that Harry didn't mind his hand on his lower back. "Just Hold On; A twenty-year-old woman meets a twenty-seven-year-old man, who just so happened to be ill. He had a mental issue, also knowns as schizophrenia. He and the woman began dating, but soon later he begins to lose it and ends up wanting to his kill his girlfriend," Louis licked his lips, "wow, that's an interesting . . . Umm . . . Movie."

-Author's note- >> (Schizophrenia: a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation.
(in general use) a mentality or approach characterized by inconsistent or contradictory elements.)

"Not that one, Lou," the small boy pouted, "I don't like scary movies."

"Alright, cutie," the feathery haired man chuckled, he took a look at the list of movies, "The web; A group of teenage punks decide to bunk at this supposedly abandoned house, but what they didn't know. The house wasn't abandoned, no. A mad man lives there, and loves to tear people apart limb from limb. The teens just so happened to pick the wrong house to stay in, because now. They won't be able to leave, they'll be stuck, like a insect is stuck in a spider web." He ran a hand through his brown fringe, "how about that movie?"

"No, Louis" Harry replied quietly, "I told you, I don't like scary movies." He sticks his bottom lip out and gives the older lad the 'sad puppy' look.

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry, Haz," Louis softly smiled at the green-eyed boy, "what do you want to watch?"

"Erm, I want to watch . . ." Harry takes a look at the list of movies, "Dunkirk."

"You sure?"

"Yes, Lou."

"Alright, babe. Well, lets go get two tickets for the Dunkirk movie," the blue-eyed man purses his lips then guides the boy over to the ticket booth.

"Erm, can we have two tickets for the Dunkirk movie, please?" The curly haired boy asked softly.

"Yeah, sure, whatever," the attendant said snarky, "your total is fifteen dollars, and twenty cent."

-Author's note->> (I'm not every acknowledged about the Britain money. I know it's pounds there and all, but I'm not sure about how they situate different amounts of money, though. -- Sorry if that made no sense at all. I'm just going to write about money in the Canadian (or American) way.)

Louis rolled his eyes, he took out his wallet and paid the annoying girl with an attitude, "here's the money."

"You're hot," the attendant said as she checked out the feathery haired man, "you're really hot." She looked over at Harry, then back at the man, "is that your son?"

"W-what? No. No, he isn't my son," the man blushed.

"Do you maybe want to go out sometime?" She asked flirtatiously, "hmm, sugar?"

The blue-eyed man nervously gulped, "Erm, well you see--"

"My name is Becky, babe. What's your name?"

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