Chapter 10

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Anna's POV

We finally reached my small home. "Woah." And woah is right.

It's a small stone building, parts with moss. Grape vines are crawling up parts of it and it has polished wood roof. The door is also wood, with a stone knob. There is a little pond in front of the left of the house, peppered in lillypads.

I smiled. "Please come inside." Inside there were 7 rooms. A bathroom, bedroom, study, living room, kitchen, dining room, and pantry.

"Have a seat. Tea is on right now." Then I got a phone call.

"People from home know your number?" I shook my head. That'd just ruin the point of leaving.

"Towns people." I said, picking up.

"Hi, sorry to bother you, Anna. But the fountain in the center has stopped. You're the only one that can fix it."

"Zara, relax. Just take a long piece of wiring and stick it through the spouts of metal, but shut it off first. Once that's done, just add a bit of oil and it should be set."

"Thanks Anna. Bye."

"No problem Zara. Bye." I said, hanging up.

"Well, aren't you reliable." Blake asked. I smiled.

"You could say that. I'm definetly more of a help center than a leader, though. So, make yourselves at home. I'll go fetch my tea." I said, walking into the kitchen.

Evan's POV

She's changed on the outside. But she hasn't changed on the inside, that's for sure.

"I miss the old Viv." Kelly whined, hugging my side, Gracie on Blake's.

"Well, if you think about it. She is still the same. Just going by a different name and style. But she's got the exact same personality." Blake spoke what I was thinking.

"Tea's ready." Anna said, carrying in a tray containing 5 cups of tea.

"It's honey chestnut, with a bit of sugar. Enjoy." She said, handing us each a cup, taking one for herself, and sitting across from us.

"So, how have you all been. I mean, aside from locking yourselves away." She asked, but was demanding an answer.

She looked so serious, then started laughing. "Jeez, you guys are impossible for me to keep a surprise from." She said, walking into a room and coming back out with a few suitcases.

"What? You aren't leaving are you?" I asked, shaking.

"And clueless. Anyways, I'm moving back with my family for a while. Just to see how the town can get on without me. Come on, we don't want to miss our flight."

We ran to the fountain in the center. There was a helicopter there.

So when she was talking about the fountain, she was reffering to this.

"What are you waiting for? Get on." She said, climbing on and putting on a headset.

We quickly followed suit, my arm around Anna's shoulders, her leaning on me.

Soon, we reached the center, and Anna pulled back on her aviators on, and jumping out.

"Well come on." She said, beginning to walk away.

"Its her. Definetly her." Gracie whispered in my hear, being as I was holding her.

I laughed quietly, but Anna still heard, sending me a playful glare.

"Come on. Your parents will kill me if I don't get you home." She said, having us walk a bit faster.

Blake's POV

I rolled my eyes. Anna was great, but Viv was better. We followed her back to the castle and said our goodbyes.

Kelly and Gracie clung to Anna. "You're not gonna leave again, right?" They asked, starting to cry.

"Oh no, of course not Babes. Never. Plus, if you can't find me around here, have Evan call me. He knows my number, he just doesn't know he does." What?

Evan just stared wide eyed at her. She laughed and set the girls down. "Bye now." She said and ran off.

"I do know her number." Ev said and ran upstairs to his room. A few minutes later, he returned with Fight Song.

"I noticed before, but I thought it was accidental, but now I know she'd never make a mistake, it makes sence." He said, lying the paper flat on the table, us all around it.

"Now, of you look closely, you'll see 10 bolded letters, in order. G, H, A, G, G, F, C, C, I, and A. Now, if you correspond the letters to their arranged numbers, you get 781-775-3391. That's her phone number." He explained, entering it into his phone.

"Ah, kids. You're home. Where'd you run off to with Anna?" She asked.

"We went to see her town." Gracie said, hugging my side.

"Her town? She built an entire town in one year? She'll make a great queen." I could here Evan sigh.

"Mother that's why she built a town. So nobody would have to worry about a status. In fact, some of her inhabitants came from here. She doesn't live in a castle. Or a mansion, but she lives in a cottage. A small, stone cottage. And I am starting to think it was the right thing for her to do." I said, stepping forward.

"As do I." Evan said, joining me, then a knock sounded.

Evan answered and was pulled outside.

Anna's POV

"Are you insane!? Stay here with your family. I should have never come back today. This is all my fault. Everything is." I began muttering.

I looked to Evan, eyes wide, as are his. "I have to go. I, um, don't follow me. Please." She said, running off.

I went to follow her, but I turned and walked back inside.

"I'll be staying here. In town. I'm heading to bed. Goodnight." I said, heading to my room.

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