chapter 5

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Elenas pov

    I heard a loud bang from upstairs which scares the hell out of me and I bolt vampire speed upstairs. I'm scared because knowing this stage of Damon depressed again he will hurt anyone including Stefan without even realising what he his doing at the time.
     I see Stefan comforting Damon while Damon is staring at the picture of Katherine that Stefan still has. Don't judge me ok i know it's weird for him to still have it but, at the same time I underatand where he is coming from she was his first love and it was all a lie.
     Damon may try to cover up his feelings for Katherine but stefan and I both know how he feels. "Damon..." I'm cut off my Stefan which shocks me "Elena, can Damon and I have some alone time please?" I nodd silently and walk back downstairs.
     I lay down on the couch waiting for Stefan to come back downstairs but before he comes downstairs I fall into a deep sleep.

Katherine/Elena's POV
"Katherine..?" I open my eyes to see Damon in 1800s clothes 'did he just call me Katherine? ' He looks at me with adoring eyes filled with passion.
    "Katherine you're awake" I sit up from the awfully uncomfortable chair I am sleeping in. I move around getting a very uncomfortable feeling like something is pulling me downwards. I look down to see myself in a 1800s themed dress. Its light blue with lace around the waist trailing all the way down to the bottom of the hoop skirt.
    'no wonder I'm so uncomfortable' Feelings of confusement and excitement are pulsing throughout my body. "Miss Pierce you are incredibly cold" a woman younger than me states 'she must be a maid, why is everyone calling me Katherine? ' "Excuse me miss where is the bathroom? " "why Miss Pierce you must have hit your head hard on the fall pretty hard.
     It's down the hall first door on your right" she says giving me a polite smile which I happily return. I walk down the hallway to be bumped into someone about as tall as me male, very fit, and has sandy brown hair. "Well hello Katherine. :)" I look over to see that smile that I see everyday
     "Hello, Mr. Salvatore" I say with a giggle yet confused. 'I didn't say that, yet again with everyone thinking im Katherine maybe I am her but trapped in her body. This is going to bed interesting I tell myself.


Hey readers I wanted to say thank you for reading my story comments are helpful thanks again your author Tiffany lots of love and vampire kisses lol C:

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