Chapter 18

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Bonnie's POV
I searched the Salvatore house frantically trying to find Emily's grimwar. "Why can't I find it anywhere??" I put my hands in my hair frustrated at myself "Bon Bon we'll find it" Damon tries to calm me down "I promise that we'll find it" he offers me a weak smile. "Bonnie I know you are trying your hardest but you don't want to freak yourself out to the point to which you end up doing more harm worrying" "I know damon" I manage to spit out a little frustrated "I'm sorry.., it's just that I've grown up with her and I feel like it's my fault that this is happening to her"

"Bonnie" damon leads me to the couch so I can sit "It's no one's fault we couldn't have stopped this if we tried. No matter if we knew that Emily and Katherine were going to do this I don't think any of us could have stopped it. The one thing that Elena needs us to do for her right now is to find out what is going on and being her biggest supporter. Okay Bon bon?" "Yeah okay. Do you have anything strong to drink?" I ask damon "You're in my house why would you even ask that question" he responds with a smirk and a bottle of scotch.
"Thank God because right now I need something" I chuckle to myself seeing it hard as I never drink anything this strong anymore. I look over at damon who is already pouring us each a glass with that stupid smirk plastered on his face as always. He extends his arm to hand me a glass "A toast" we clink glasses "To an everlasting friendship that is almost unbreakable" I snort as his comment.
Damon's POV
Our glasses clink "to an everlasting friendship that is almost unbreakable" Bonnie snorts and I just sigh loudly before drinking the scotch. "So what do you think?" I ask before almost spitting out my drink due to the facial expression she is making. "Honestly?" She asks. I reply "yes honestly my dear" "That was the worst thing I have ever tasted in my entire life, but for the moment I needed it so good." She offers a small smile before slightly gagging. "If you're not used to drinking it I'm not going to lie it's terrible but eventually the burning stops." I take another small swig of the drink.
She sets down the drink and looks at her phone, her eyes slightly widening in the process. "Everything okay?" I ask sympathetic for the first time in my life it seems like. "Yeah but apparently Elena keeps taking about Emily?" She cocks an eyebrow at me. I walk over to her and read the text message from over her shoulder which says
From Stefan
"Bonnie I do not know what is going on but Elena just turned restless all of a sudden and she keeps mutter words like Emily and what do you want"
She types back
From Bonnie
"We are searching for the grimwar everywhere and can't seem to find it do you have any idea where it might be Stefan? It would be getting us one step closer in the right direction."
She hits send and then unexpectedly turns around and hug me. "Damon I don't like what is going on and I'm scared." I place my hand in the small part of her back and rub. "It's okay Bonbon we'll figure it out soon enough for now I think you should go lay down on the couch you've been awake for too long you're sleep deprived." Knowing that I normally wouldn't be this caring towards anyone but Elena, Bonnie gives me a funny look before nodding slightly and heading to the couch.

"Thanks for caring Damon. I know it is hard for you to keep it together right now but I really appreciate that you are trying so hard for Elena." A small smile creeps across my face "Get some sleep we will worry about it later little witch." I offer her a small blanket and just like that she's out like a light. I whisper "Thanks for being the best friend I've ever had. But you're no the best drinking partner" I chuckle seeing her try and cover her smile.

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