One Look, One Touch

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Chapter Three – One Look, One Touch.

Three Weeks Later

I sat opposite Luke on this grand table feeling slightly uncomfortable when I watched the servant as she was about to put some food on my plate, I stopped her and I took the food off her "I can do it thank you," I muttered, I haven’t lost the feeling in my arms. Luke was watching me amused by my discomfit; I glared at him when I saw him smirking at me.

"She was only doing her job," I heard him muttering to himself. I looked up at him amazed that in this day and age, he got servants.

"Stop!" I said as I pressed my hand over my lips, he paused with his fork in one hand and the knife in the other "Your hands are working, thank the lord." I said when I heard him laughing to himself. I found my cheeks went rosy when he would not stop laughing.

As he started to eat, I could see every couple of seconds his lips would form into a smile in which his brown eyes would land on me, I guess he is not that bad for someone who is lazy. As the servants poured him some coffee, I bit into my mushrooms when I watched him eyeing me. He knew I was watching everything he was doing. I smirked when he took his cup and drunk some coffee before biting into his toast.

"I’m surprised you didn’t let him feed you that," I said when he put his toast down before once more smirking to himself.

"Most men get nice little quiet mates and I have a comedian," He responded when I started to laugh. I grinned down at my food, when I felt the muscles in my cheek hurt. I drank some orange juice when I notice he was once still staring at me, he was waiting for a witty answer from me.

"You know if you wanted a little mouse for a mate, you can always run off to Annabella," I responded calmly when deep down I felt envious, I did feel bitter. I felt resentful knowing that bitch had her hands all over my mate making him moan when she rode him. I wanted to kill her, how dare she sleep with anyone but her own true mate not someone else's. I felt my temper starting to build when I knocked my shoe on the floor trying to calm myself down.

I looked up and I saw he was watching me, "Annabella reminds me of you," In that moment I broke his glass. He started to laugh, he found himself amusing but no one else was laughing but him. I got up and walked out of the room, how dare he compare me to her. I am nothing like that snake for starters I do not go around sleeping with other men especially unmated werewolf’s. It is sinful and distasteful.

I stormed into my bedroom and closed the door. Furiously chucking myself on the bed. Whenever I think he is nice, he goes back to the same old prick. I furiously growled in my head when I realised my wolf was still not back. This had annoyed me even worse. The fact that my wolf had disappeared. I heard the door creep open and I heard his heavy clumsy feet enter my room; I wanted to throw something at his stupid oversize head. He sat on my bed removing some of my hair from my eyes; I looked at him when I saw his smirk has gone.

"It was a joke," He whispered calmly.

"Do you see me laughing?" I asked.

"No," He dryly muttered, I glared at him unable to keep my temper. I got off my bed and turned towards him.

"How would you feel if someone touch these-" I asked as I moved my hands past my breast "Or this-" This time my hands move further down "How would you feel if someone made love to me, how would you feel knowing I didn’t wait for you? Just remember you may mock or laugh at me as many times as you want but I remained pure because that is the rules you set in play but you had doubled standard yourself," I spat angry when he stormed out of my room slamming the door on his way out. I guess he did not like it. I guess he did not like the idea of a man touching me but he thought it was okay to touch Annabella. I growled at her disgusting name.

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