Luke's Happy Ending.

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Chapter Eleven – Luke’s Happy Ending

It has been three weeks since Sophie has died. I cannot believe that I will never see her again; I have not stopped blaming myself for sending her off that day. I tried to protect her, but failed her instead. I will never forgive myself. I cannot believe Annabella did it, finding that out hurt me the most. She was meant to be my friend. Some kind of friend.

My brother and I were going out tonight. He said that I needed to leave the castle for the night just to relax I tried to tell him no but he was not having it. As we left the castle at six o’clock. We walked into a nightclub and I sat down at the bar looking around. I was so angry when I saw mates together. Once more, I wished Sophie was here, but she was gone. The bond between us was broken the moment she died, feeling that snap destroyed me inside and knowing Ben was with her. That hurt the most. It should have been me.

“You look lost.” I turned my head slightly to see a young brunette woman looking at me. While all the other women had short dresses on, she had a long red dress that was on her ankles. She certainly stood out.

“I feel lost.” I replied. She sat beside me and ordered a soft drink. She also looked around.


“My mate died.” She looked at me and her eyes widen. She looked down at the floor and then back up. She had no idea where to place herself.

“I’m sorry. I’m Jodie and you are?” She asked.

“Luke. Where is your mate too?” I found myself asking. She smiled at me before looking down once more, her smile said he was not a lot of good.

“He rejected me,”

“That is not allowed. I made that rule up myself.” I quickly added when her eyes widen she knew I was the King of werewolf’s.

“The rules do not really work where I am from. Tell me about your mate?” I paused for a moment before looking at her.

“She was beautiful and kind. I wasn’t very nice to her in the end, I am the reason she is dead.” As she touched my arm to comfort me. I felt some sparks on my arm. I looked at her in surprise. In that moment, I knew I was given a new mate. I quickly backed away and walked out. The Moon Goddess gave me a new mate while I was still grieving for my old mate. How unfair is that.

“Wait!” I looked at her. She runs up to me taking her shoes off.

“What?” I asked as my voice broke.

“She would want you to be happy.” Later that night, I took her back to mine and I marked her. I knew I had to protect her the way I never protected Sophie. Within two days, we were always together and that is the moment when I realised how badly I had treated Sophie.

After another month of us being together, I asked Jodie to marry me. Something that was bittersweet for me, Sophie and I was together longer than Jodie and I was. Yet I have been here on my knees asking her to marry me. Jodie said yes straight away and flung her arms around me. She was happy as I was. The hole in my heart slowly began to heal.

I would never forget Sophie but I knew, I had to move on from her. Jodie and Sophie are completely different in every way possible; Jodie has more of a fiery personality while Sophie was very naive to the point where it killed her.

I was happy now, but I knew I should have not been. It was only two weeks.

After coming home from a meeting. I walked into the bedroom where I shared with Jodie and sat down on the bed.

“Do you miss her, your ex-mate?” She asked suddenly.

“She is a distant memory now.” Sophie was never from my mind, but my memories of her were finally fading.

“I don’t expect you to forget her. I just don’t want to be her replacement.” Jodie reminded me.

“You would never be that.”

I knew after that day I made the right decision by us getting together so quickly. I wasted all that time with Sophie because I always thought she would be there. I could not risk the chance of being hurt again.

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