Leather Jacket

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"You were robbed?" I repeated the question looking at all of the guys faces,which were still confused.

"Yeah, I got out of my car to walk a block down to my aunt's house and a guy came up with a gun. He requested money but I refused so he shot me twice" , Miguel shrugged.

"Ohh um, well you're okay so that's all that matters" I said smiling at him, he just nodded in return to my gesture.

"How long are you going to be in here?"

"Maybe, three to five days" he stated.

"Brody drive her home, she should be getting inside soon" I looked at him dumb, it was still early.

"I'll see you later baby" I glanced at Miguel in shock of the words, then he winked. I guess this is the way he's telling me the bet started it was unexpected.Unaware, all of the guys raised a brow except Brody who smirked.

"Ready kid?" He asked amused.
"Um,yeah-h" I managed to get out. I gave Miguel a peck on the cheek and headed out of the hospital door.

"Wait",Miguel said. I walked back in the entrance of the room's door.

"Take my leather jacket" I glanced at his jacket before taking it,he saw my hesitation and then explained.

"I want people to know you're mines so you have to wear my jacket" I then felt my cheeks turning red as I slipped the jacket on.

"It looks good on you" Brody said.
"It does" Bread agreed.
"Now get home before your parents kill you" at Miguel's words I nodded realizing I didn't notify either of my parents where I went.

I exited the door for the last time saying bye to the guys,they're not bad at all he has good friends.

Brody and I's walk throughout the parking lot was quiet, probably because I just met him and we technically don't know each other from shit on the wall. I followed him and he led me to his car.

However,this wasn't any car it was a 2016 Mercedes Benz,it was stunning.

"Wow", I breathed out in a awe tone. Brody smirked, "I know right she's a beauty".
He then went on the passenger's side of the car and opened the door for me ,I politely said "Thank You" and slid my body in the seat.

The ride to my house was silent,and I didn't mind because I didn't want to make things awkward .

About 10-15 minutes later we arrived to my house,I thanked Brody once again and went to knock on my door.

"Hey mom,I'm sorry I didn't let you know where I went ,it was sort of a emergency", I said greeting my mother at the door giving her a hug.

She nodded, "It's okay,it's still early" She continued "dinner is ready" ,I smiled and walked inside.

After a exhausting day I was extremely tired. I dragged myself to the kitchen and spoke to my little brother and father.

"Hey,woah nice jacket" ,my little brother Hanes complimented. My dad looked up from his plate and raised a brow.

"I never saw that jacket before, whose is that?" He asked stuffing vegetables in his mouth.
I shrugged, "A friend" I shyly smiled. He nodded as in saying 'mhm I see' .

However there was nothing to see,Miguel and I aren't together and never will be ,I'm just doing a friendly favor whatever that is,he won't tell me.

I begun to fix my food,there was pork chops smothered in gravy with rice and vegetables on the side,it looked absolutely delicious. I sat down at the table with my family,not including my mother whom wasn't at the table and began to eat.

As I was eating in silence my dad finished up,gave me a kiss on the cheek,told me goodnight and went to sleep. After that, my eight year old brother did the same,then there was one.

I observed the leather jacket,it was black of course with a couple of pockets including zippers on it. It fit a little big but it fit me snug. I liked it, looking at the jacket made me picture the hospital,picturing the hospital made me picture Miguel and picturing Miguel made me think of what happened to him.


Even though he's okay I was still worried,who wouldn't be? Following my thoughts I became full and lost my appetite so I threw away my food with there being plenty left overs and headed in my room. When I got in my room I took out my pajamas and started the shower up. I left my hair down and went in the warm water with my thoughts still flowing about him.


I don't know exactly what was going on in my head but it was serious, I don't even know why I'm thinking so hard. I'm confused. I finished cleaning myself still thinking ,dried myself off and put on my pajamas.

I turned off my room light and got comfortable in my bed, but resembling him I looked at it with his zippers shining in my dark room.

His leather jacket.

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