Chapter 24

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Justin's POV

We did so much while Paige was sleeping. Someone had to move her off of the couch, so i volunteered myself.

"Um, Scooter, I'm gonna take a break and bring Paige upstairs," I asked. Scooter turned his head from decorating, "go ahead, Just don't try anything." Okay. I was officially offended, who does he think I am? "Funny. Scooter. Funny." I said seriously as i walked up the stairs. I could hear him laugh from downstairs.

I walked up the stairs with Paige in my hands, her perfect face was free of makeup and yet she was still incredibly beautiful. When I got to her room, i slowly placed her on the bed. She looked so peaceful sleeping, to bad i had to wake her up. It was now 6:00 and the party was at 7:00. Here goes nothing...

"Paige, paige boo, babe, Paige," I said. Paige tousled in bed, "Humhumumm," she said groggily. "Its time to get up your surprise and the party starts in a hour." To my surprise Paige shot herself up. "I forgot all about my surprise, okay Justin, I'm up,got to get dressed bye, bye," Paige rushed. " Wear something-" i got cut off. " Yup wear something dressy, and cute,got it" she said as she smiled, kissed me then pushed me out the door. God I love this girl.


Paige's POV

I got dressed in a jean bra crop top and a mint colored skater skirt and some nude heels. My hair was down and curled. I wore a little eyeliner and mascara.

I checked my self out one last time in the mirror and grabbed my phone. 6:45 almost party time!! I tried calling my mom then Emily one last time, just as i suspected neither of them answered. What is more important than answering your phone to your best friend or daughter.I haven't talked to either of them since the day i moved. Snap out of it i thought. There both probably busy with something. They'll call back.

I walked downstairs and everyone was sitting around the kitchen table.

"Woohoo" I heard my aunt attempt to whistle. "You look great" she said as she got up to hug me.

"Why thank you, I can say the same about you" I said.

I sat down at the table next to Justin.

"So you ready for a fun time?" Justin asked me.

"Yeah yeah, I just can't wait to see my surprise" I said

"This is gonna be the best surprise ever" Justin said smiling at me.

"I bet it is, cause the best people set it up" I said as i heard the doorbell ring.

It's not even 7 yet. Who could that be?

Justin's POV

"It's gonna be the best, cause the best people set it up" Paige said to me as I heard the doorbell ring. Oh Yeah I thought to myself.

Paige looked at me with a huge smile on her face but I could see the confusion in her eyes.

Danielle smiled at me and winked then walked to the front door with Scooter beside her.

It was just me, Paige, and the boys now.


Paige's POV

For some odd reason my heart was working faster than ever. I was nervous to find out what my surprise was. Was that what was at the door?

I told the boys to quiet down so i could listen. But knowing Justin he thought it was funny to talk louder than before.

I listened in on my aunt's conversation the best i could.

"Hi, how are you?" my aunt said.

"I'm good, i missed you sooo much!!" one girl said.

"Where is she?" the other said.

These voices sounded very familiar. When i say very familiar i mean it.

I heard footsteps come down the hall and make there way into the kitchen.

My mouth dropped. I could cry right now.


Author's Note.

I hope you guys are enjoying this story. it would mean the world to me if you voted and left a comment down below:)

Here's a cliffhanger. Who do you think the 2 girls are?

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