15 Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining♥

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I was getting ready to go shower to get things of my mind. I took the few things I needed and switched on the water to get warm. I stood in the shower thinking, why would Zuhair betray my trust? What if he told everyone what I confided in him? These thoughts were running through my mind and I started to cry. I fell to the shower floor, just sitting there while the water poured on me. I only realised that I was sitting in the shower for over an hour when I felt the water becoming cold. I reached out for the towel and sat in my room alone thinking.

Just as I was about to fall asleep without eating supper my sister decided to make her great appearance. She came to my bedside and told me if I needed to tell her anything I should tell her because she saw all the comments people made on the picture on instagram. I was having a mental debate with myself whether I should tell her or not.

”You know what Fatima you have the life you always wanted, Mummy likes you and Daddy but do you guys ever think of me? No, i’m just that sister that’s a side-kick. What makes you think I’m going to tell you anything?” I told her without thinking of what I said and ran out of my room into my balcony. I heard Fatima closing the door.

As I was going to sleep Suhail told me that he saw my picture on instagram and if I need somone to talk to then he is there for me and I should. I decided not to reply because I knew that if I did I would say something bad out of my anger. I went to sleep with tears thinking why Zuhair would do that to me.

I woke up the next morning earlier than usual. I wore a jogger pants and a t-shirt and took off for my run. As I was running I saw a figure behind me, I looked behind but saw no one. That was really strange I thought to myself. With the shock I fell backwards and I fell into someone’s arms. Looking up there was Zuhair in his running clothes looking so damn hot:$. I can’t believe i’m thinking that. I looked up at him seeing his sweating sooo much.

”How long have you been running?” I asked Zuhair. He first looked at me, I then thought that I was such an ass to ask him as if i’m concerned about him.

”Why are you even concerned? Its not like i’m even going to answer you.” replied Zuhair.

”So why would you even catch me? I mean I could have fallen and i didn’t need you there to catch me,” I told Zuhair.

”Zahira I know you love me, and with that love I doubt you’ll ever stop caring for me,” Zuhair told me with a smug smile. I knew I couldn’t stop caring for him but I will stop caring for this ego-logistic bastard one day.

I ran home after he told me that knowing it was true and started getting ready for a whole new day at school. It was Tuesday and today they were having swimming trials to get into the school swim team. I was going to put the most in it and forget about all my problems and show Zuhair who’s the boss. I decided to wear the perfume that Zuhair gave me and put a little extra so he could smell. I was going to make him jealous…

I then thought about Suhail and remembered how jealous Zuhair got when he thought we were going out. I then decided to give Suhail a call. It would be a double win as it would help me move on with Zuhair and make Zuhair jealous.

Suhail and I spoke for half an hour and it was amazing. He was amazing…He managed to make me forget about all my problems while I spoke to him. It was as if nothing else mattered.

As each day passed, Suhail and I grew closer. It was now Monday and a week had passed since the swimming trials. I made the team!  It was also one week since Suhail and I began speaking. Suhail shared the excitement with me and have had a good week after a while. A few hours went by and Suhail popped the question. He asked me to be his girlfriend and well, I said yes.

Naadirah and Aadil are still going strong and just getting closer. They’ve been talking for almost a year now despite the age gap of 4

years. They go on like a married couple which is quite weird but in a way it’s cute. She always says that she’s a better person around him and that she’s incomplete without him. She knows that she can trust him. I never knew what she meant until now. Everything was better with  Suhail and he makes me happy. He makes me a better person. Every cloud has a silver lining 

Nazain ♡


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