20 Getting A Belly Ring! MOM ROCKZ!

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I took out my phone to call my mum to tell her that I was done with after school swimming lessons and that’s when I saw Myriam in her merc coming to the pick up section to fetch me. As I got into the car I mumbled “such a show off”. Myriam turned around replying, “what did you say?” I replied, “nothing.” I turned on the radio and slid the Krewella CD into the radio and put it on blast so that I could just sing along and let the days events fade away. I realized we weren’t going in the direction of home but instead we were driving to somewhere close to Melville, I turned the radio off.

“Myriam where are you taking us?” I asked as I sat up. Myriam was smiling at me with such a weird smile as if we were going to do something fun.

“Oh Zahira remember you wanted a belly ring, yeah we going to get it. I asked your mum and she said sure.” replied Myriam now laughing at my reaction when she told me that.

“I can’t believe it Mummy finally is letting me get a belly ring, i’m so going to instagram the picture after we get my bellyring! Imagine how many likes i’ll get!” i exclaimed. i was soooo happy after 2 years my Mummy finally gave in. My Mum rockz!

We got to th piercing place situated in Randburg. I entered and the place was so empty Myriam went to speak to the assistant and she asked me to go sit on one of the waiting chairs, as they were busy with another person at the moment. I was going through many magazines when finally the lady called my name and told me i could go in one of the rooms. I asked the manager if a women could do it for me and he said sure. As i laid on my bed the lady sterilized my belly button. She than told me that its going to hurt but not tooo much, she then asked if i was ready and i said yes. This felt worse than pregnancy, it hurt sooooo much. I thought the pain would be less than my period cramps but it was worse. I could feel tears at the brim of my eyes. It hurt so much i was so concentrated on the pain that i never hear Myriam enter the room. She said it was done and now we were heading back home.

I reached home to find the kitchen full of people.

“Oh-em-gee am i seeing right or wrong but Suhail and Rezaan are baking a cake” i exclaimed.

Fatima burst out laughing,”No shit Zahira thats why the kitchen is sooo full.”

“Anyways i’m going to my room to change out of my school uniform.” I told everyone as i walked out of the kitchen heading to my room. I changed into my new Massimo Dutti jeans and took a picture from my bellybutton downwards. I posted it on instagram “#bellyring #new #massimodutti #LOVE” In about 2 minutes i got 10 likes. i was scrolling through my timeline and then realized i got 100 likes.

My phone rang and i picked up without seeing the caller ID. It was Naadirah, i started blabbing to her about my days events when I had forgotten that we weren’t talking. She was one wording me and that’s when I realised. We eventually apologised to each other and it turns out that she had news for me too.

Her phone had just got upgraded to a Samsung Galaxy so all her bbm contacts which she backed up on her blackberry was backed up on her blackberry ID and when she put recover from blackberry I’d her bbm list was updated. She didn’t realise it until she received a message from Shakira asking which Naadirah it was. She replied saying that it was a mistake and explaining the situation and then asked Shakira to delete her but shakira refused and said that it was okay.

Naadirah and Shakira then began speaking about all the memories they had. I don’t know how Naadirah can even talk to her after she got her into so much of trouble but then again, I got her into trouble on many occasions too. Naadirah always ends up forgiving someone and talking to them even when they don’t deserve it. I’m glad she gave me a second chance(oh what the heck, it’s probably the tenth) because I have a lot going on in my life and I needed someone to talk to.

Naadirah and I agreed that there would be no secrets between us and we moved on with our lives. I made an agreement with myself that I wouldn’t get annoyed whenever Naadirah speaks about Aadil as he was there for her when I wasn’t and he makes her happy even though I can not get their sweet conversations out of my head! They both say that they’re friends but if you read their conversations then you’ll see that they faaar from that. They go on like a married couple.

Ok fiiine, I agreed that I wouldn’t get annoyed so I’ll be happy for her. I value our friendship and I’m not going to let anything come

between us this time like it did the last. I was planning on starting of a new and the first rule on there was Sisters before misters(well, of course after the first rule of never to fall in love because that’s the ULTIMATE rule)…

Naadirah and I decided we were going to ask the class to go bowling with us this weekend, i sent out the message to our WhatsApp group which had all our classmates. I then realized something…

Sabeehah was going to be there..

Nazain ♡

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