Chap. 1 "A War With An Assassin"

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Hey Guys! So I'm going back and editing this so if you see a switch in the writing style this is why. Also because I edited a lot all of my comments are gone, so I would love if you guys would engage with my writing. It literally makes me so happy seeing your guy's comments!


Chap. 1 I thought you were a kidnapper

Dear Journal,

Do you ever just hate your life. I mean seriously stop and think I'll wait here. Just kidding you can just stop reading this. But if you are reading my journal you should really stop before I find you and I kill you.

But back to the point, do you ever wonder if life was how you wanted it to be. Life is like a roller coaster sometimes it feels great and exhilarating. But sometimes you feel sick and the next thing you know you're puking all over your hot date. 

That's what I contemplated as I head to Miami on the Agency's private jet. Not exactly the most eco-friendly option but after my last mission, married to a sixty year old misogynist child trafficker, I needed the rest. As the plane landed I took a deep breath standing up, as I stepped off I realized how much I missed the sun and warmth.

As I pulled into the long semi-circular driveway I'm struck with how big it is and how it is way too much for me to live in by myself. I shut off my car feeling the hum of the engine die down under me. I walked up the long walkway with a dying garden on either side of stone path. As soon as I walked in I'm faced with a large pool the rest of the house encompasses. All the walls that encircled the pool are large foggy windows. I unlock the door and immediately looked for the case file the Agency left me. I read on who I am, Thea Collins. My stomach stirred with uneasy feelings realizing they used my real first name. 

I glance over the rest of the details, before I fell asleep. I didn't even mean to fall asleep but when I woke up it was 3 AM already.  I groaned my eyes peeled open and I was greeted with an image of myself. I jumped before realizing there was mirror for the ceiling above my bed. 

What type of freak, builds that. 

I brush it off as I roll out of bed and head to the kitchen and make a cup of coffee and turned on my flat screen TV in the living room. As I sat in the dark watching infomercials I realize how sad I must look sitting in the dark. I forced myself to get up and head back to my room. I changed into a matching set of workout clothes and head to the indoor  gym I found in the house. 

There were weights in the corner a bench and a giant punching bag at least twice my size. I decided to train on the punching bag needing to let out some steam. I eased over to the bag and started to punch. Power surged through my muscles as my fist connected with the rough cold leather. Over and over I punched until I noticed the small pool of blood coming from my knuckles.  My throat burned as my chest heaved up and down and my muscles ached. I looked down at my phone and it was already 6 in the morning. I decided to call it a wrap and tape my knuckles with bandages. 

The bathroom was like the rest of the house, unnecessarily big and luxurious. The countertops were white marble with a giant double head shower on one end and a pure white bath at the other. I stripped and stepped in the shower, I wanted the cold water to relax my muscles. What I didn't expect was the water to start pouring from the ceiling.

I can only describe the sound that escaped me as when you try and give a cat a bath and they scream. I slightly slipped and reached to the small bath stool for support. As the water warmed I relaxed a more letting it cascade over my long black hair. 

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