Chap. 3 "Fire Tattoo"

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Chap. 3 

Last chapter:  "Actually, let me get your number. I want you to come with me to this party this weekend" he said grabbing my phone. As he typed his number into my phone he looked up at me with his deep blue eyes. He knew exactly what he was doing, but I don't think I did. I was getting myself into deeper waters and i I could think wass,

Oh god what have I done!?

Dear Journal,

As I got to lunch Jax waved me back over to his table. I smiled at them heading over to the table. As I sat my tray of pizza  on the table I couldn't help but to notice Sean absent from the table. For a brief moment I wondered where he was, 

"What's up Buttercup" Jax asked interrupting my train of thought. 

"Nothing much" I said sliding into the seat beside him. I zoned out as they chat for a bit about people that I didn't know yet. It seemed even though they invited me to go sit with them, I still wasn't completely gelled in with them. 

"Thea, you should totally come with us" Jas said as he must have noticed I was being abnormally quiet, maybe he thought I felt left out. 


"Party this weekend, this giant house in the keys" 

"Yeah Sean told me about it, he said I should go" I said hoping his invitation would make it seem like I wasn't sticking my nose into things. 

"Of course Sean invited you" Chloe said probably more to herself. I didn't know exactly why Sean invited me with him, but I don't think it was to get to know me better. 

"Are you guys going" I ask savoring every bite of the pizza. What? Don't judge me I LOVE pizza! It's like god was pitying humanity and then blesses us with the gift of pizza.

"Of course we are buttercup" Jax said trying to take my pizza and I stomped on his foot. "Well if Sean invited you to go with him you should just drive down with us. We're gonna stay in this really nice ass beach house for the weekend anyway" 

Jax wasn't really asking me, I would be stupid to pass on a weekend like that. The rest of lunch was filled with me finally getting their numbers, and talking about the upcoming weekend. A prominent weekend like that is what kept me going through the week, which was filled with hours of research and Sean free psychology classes. Finally after a rather boring week Friday finally saved me from maybe just killing someone to spice up the moment. 

Chloe invited herself over to my house, insisting that as her new friend she help me pack for my first weekend away. I was reluctant to have her in my space so soon but there was no convincing her otherwise. 

"What if I don't need all that stuff" I complained as I stared at myself in the mirror over my bed. 

"Better to have more than less" she said as she zipped up the bag of "necessities". I looked at the black duffel bag that looked like at any moment could explode from the tons of clothes Chloe had shoved in there. And despite me thinking I had more than enough Chloe's bag seemed much more hazardous. I watched her seem to analyze every part of her body in the mirror meticulously, as she seemed to check a mental list. 

"Are you ready for a three hour drive to the keys, trapped with Jax?" she asked now sitting at the foot of my bed. 

"Honestly how bad can it be?" I laughed.  

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