Chap. 20 "My name is Peaches and my rate is 1.20"

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Last Time : After that we didn't speak for the rest of the night, there was nothing to say. Even as everyone else drifted off to sleep, I couldn't. All I could do was look at the ring as my fingers ran over the cold metal. All I wanted to do was be able to hold her again but more tears fell the longer I thought about it.

All I could do is think about the woman I chased away.


Grace and I groaned as Becca pulled out yet another dress for me to try on. We had already been shopping for hours and I was ready to go home and take a nap. I felt Ethan's hands wrap around my waist before he kissed my neck.

"Why do we need so many dresses" I whined as she browsed even more racks of clothes. Honestly at this rate we were going to be there for weeks.

"Let her have her fun. you never let her dress you" he whispered and I smiled. Ethan came for the weekend, the big takedown, to keep me company. The past month, he had come down for couple days to cheer me up after the breakup. He took me out to dinners, listened to me rant and cry, overall Ethan was being so understanding of everything. 

"Because we have to try them all on and you will become my little Barbie doll" she squealed I compulsory rolled my eyes, "Minus the part where I rip off the head"

"Maybe we can all get a soft pretzel while you look" Grace suggested and I felt my face perk up.

"No, I'm finished" she handed Ethan all the dresses pushing us all to the dressing room. It could have been at least the weight of a small Dutch boy.

I slugged into the dressing room and tried on a plastic clear dress that only had white V-cut plastic covering my boobs and my ass. Not only did the thought of me sweating in this dress remind me of a greenhouse. But I also felt like my name was peaches and my rate was a 1.20 an hour.

20 an hour

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I walked out of the dressing room and turned for Rebecca. She was sitting at one of the chairs actin like she was some sort of judge for a pageant.

"No, it's not you, too much skin" she said dismissing me with a wave of the hand.

"Hold on girls, why're we so quick to dismiss this one" Ethan said and I rolled my eyes, "I'm serious, I actually happen to like looking at this one" 

"You're an ass, hope you know that" I said walking back in and shutting the curtains. 

I pulled the second dress on letting it cascade to my ankles. It was a light pink and strapless, I felt boring in it. 


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