Chap. 6 "Rabbit Hole"

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Chap. 5 "Rabbit Hole" 

Last chapter:  It took me two hours in the shower to get the blood and brain out of my thick curly hair. When I got out I realized school started two hours ago, so I just decided to stay home. I climbed in bed letting my eyes close and sleep takeover. 

Dear Journal,

The next day I just pulled on a loose black and yellow cropped striped shirt and a pair a blue mom jeans. I tied my hair into a loose bun and head to school.  


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Sean wasn't in psych, but I was slightly grateful. I didn't want to face him after everything that happened at the beach house. I was in such confusing waters when it came to him. But as I head to lunch Chloe joined me. I had been avoiding going to lunch,

"Where were you" she tried to ask casually, but I could hear the worry laced in her voice. I couldn't help but to notice the bags under her eyes, and what seemed like the remnants of runny mascara. I shook my head rolling my eyes humorously and said,

"After that weekend I was exhausted I literally slept all day" as we walked towards the building. 

"People are talking about you and Sean." she said nudging me and I rolled my eyes. 

"Who's people?"

"Jax and I" she admitted and I pushed her, "To be fair, that was a pretty heavy kiss for people who claim to just be friends" I shook my head and I looked at Chloe was biting the inside of her mouth. I noticed her skin was flushed and she twiddled with her fingers. 

"Are you okay babes" I asked her and I watched a tear fall down her face. She pulled me down an empty hall and fell in the corner. She ran her hands through her hair and I crouched down in front of her holding her hands. 

"I got myself in deep shit" she cried out but I didn't know what to say. "I'm an awful person Thea. I don't know what to do, I'm in a rabbit hole I can't get out" she said sobbing and she gripped my arm. I could feel her nails digging into my skin. 

"Chloe, you're not a bad person. I promise you" I said 

"Thea, you don't know anything. You need to stay away from me, from us, from this entire goddamn school. We all act like we have it together but we're all drowning" she wailed and I soothed her. My thoughts blanked, I had no idea what to say to make her feel better.

"What do you mean. What shit are you in" I asked, it was a long-shot. She looked at me tear filled and opened her mouth, 

"Thea... we... we-" but before she could say anything Jax yelled from down the hall. 

"Chloe baby lets get home" he said and in an instant they were gone. I sat there alone wondering what the hell just happened.

Sorry this was a super short chapter :( Remember the vote and comment. Luv ya! Remember to vote and comment!

QOTC: Can someone please give me relationship advice?

Here's the context: My crush is in the year ahead of me and we have this one elective class together. In that class we are such close friends and we're always like trying to be as close as possible. But when we're in the halls and not in the class it's like we're strangers. But we like text and face time all the time. I honestly don't know what to do so that he'll talk to me outside of the class.

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