Chap. 28 "My little flower"

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Last Time On SGBDABN: "Great now say good bye to Thea because she already knows to much" he shrugged

"No!!" I yelled

Then there was a shot!

Dear thing that Thea somehow manages to keep up on a daily basis,

There was a shot and I felt my heart stop. I opened my eyes that I didn't realize I closed and I saw my father's head bleeding out. I looked at Thea and she was standing there still holding the gun but she looked lifeless. I looked in the door way and the elite four were standing there.

"You didn't think we'd let you go in blind, did you?" Grace said with a smile. I was so relieved that they followed me. Then, I looked back at Thea her eyes were empty and blank. I reached for the gun and I was easily able to get it out of her hands. I lifted her bridal style and carried her to the door way.

"Thank you so much guys for saving me, but we need to get out of here, fast" I said and they all pulled out guns and so did I. When we stepped out of the door we were met with gun shots. There were about 15 agents shooting at us. We all took our positions and began to eliminate them one by one. After a few minutes they were all dead and we proceeded to jog out. There were a few mercenaries that we had to take down on the way but we all looked out for each other.

When we were one hallway from the exit, we were met with an even bigger hoard of mercenaries.

"Everyone down" I yelled just in time because right after they all started to shoot. I was worried because we were all low on ammo. After a while it was only Grace and I that were left, everyone else had run out of ammunition. Soon I ran out and Grace followed. I turned to everyone and I could tell they were all scared.

"Okay here's the plan we are just going to use hand to hand combat" I said

"How they have guns and we have fists, we're going to get killed" Brandon said exhaustedly

"Well then why did you become an agent it's just a death warrant" I said "Anyways if you were observant then you would've noticed that none of them were aiming to kill us, so they must have orders not to kill us. Take advantage of that" I said as more shots rained above us "Let's go" we all stood up and charged towards them.

I kicked, choked, and punched people left and right. I looked over my shoulder at Thea, but somebody was dragging her away. I gave the guy I was fighting a blow to his groin and turned on my heel.

I grabbed a glass shard that had broken off a window and stabbed them right in the back. They fell with a thud. I kneeled in front of Thea, her eyes were still lifeless as before and brushed a stray strand of hair from her face.

God I was in the middle of a battle and she still managed to distract me. I heard someone walk up from behind me, but I was too late. They stabbed a needle in my neck I managed to stand up but my head was spinning and I was woozy. I fell on the pile of glass and winced as it pierced my skin.

Before I knew what was happing I was swallowed in darkness.

I jerked awake and winced as I did. As my eyesadjusted to the light I realized I was in an all-white room. With just a tablein the middle. I stood up and wavered a little I was still a little woozy fromwhatever they injected me with. I walked around a little bit but there seemedto be nothing else.    


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