Chap. 21 "More than life itself"

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Last Time on SGBDABN: "So, you're going to try to make her fall in. Love with you again in the span of 5-minute dance" she said doubtful

"Yes, so do you want to help me or not" I said grinning

"Oh what the hell let's do it" she said

Dear Journal,

"Ow, that hurt" I winced as Rebecca bumped the curling iron on my head for the millionth time this night. I was contemplating just turning around and burning her with the iron. 

"Well if you stopped moving then I wouldn't hit you scalp" she scolded, and I just rolled my eyes. Maybe she forgot that I wasn't her actual life sized doll because I was starting to feel like it. I could have audibly sent a praise the Lord when she finished doing my hair. But when she started to pull out her makeup bagI thought of all the ways she poke my eye out when she got annoyed enough of me. She wouldn't let me look in the mirror until she was finished about an hour later. 

"You better not have made me look like a clown," I warned, and she sighed. 

"You do that already, all by yourself" she muttered as she turned the chair around. I couldn't help the gasp that escaped my lips. My black curly hair seemed to fall perfectly on my shoulders. Her makeup look made my skin glossy and shiny in the light and the red glitter went perfectly with my dress. I jumped up and swung my arms around her neck,

"I love it, I love it , I love it" I squealed as I moved her side to side, she hesitated to wrap her arms around me but when she did she pulled me tight. 

"I love it too so let's not mess it up" she said scornfully but I could see the smile that crept on her face. I rolled my eyes but let go of her nonetheless. Ethan, for obvious reasons, couldn't come with me so that meant I was going alone. But it also meant I had to take pictures of Becca and Grace, and despite me taking like 100 of them. Becca only ended up liking one of them. 

To say I was jealous of them would be an understatement but it didn't take way from how happy I was for them

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To say I was jealous of them would be an understatement but it didn't take way from how happy I was for them. The ride over I couldn't even focus on their conversation, all I could think about was the mission tonight. I ran my fingers over the gun strapped to my thigh and took a deep breath. I needed to calm down. Once we arrived, Becca whisked Grace off somewhere probably to spend one last moment with her. As I was walking in, I swore I heard the faint sobs that echoed down the alley. 

Who would cry Prom night?

As I head down the alley, the sobs got distinctly louder. I saw the outline of a girl sobbing as she sat on the edge of the sidewalk. I came into the light and saw the platinum blonde hair of Kaitlyn sitting the rose bed ledge. She looked up at me and all her makeup was smeared, and her eyes were puffy.

"Come here to gloat that everyone knows you won tonight" she said cynically as more tears streamed down her face. 

"No... I uh wanted to check and make sure you're okay" I said uncomfortably not knowing how to console crying people. I squat down and sat on the edge next to her "So, why are you crying?"

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