Chapter 1: Victor's...Sister?

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Yuuri and Victor were sitting in the stands, watching the girls perform their short programs. Victor leaned over and put a hand on Yuuri's shoulder, causing him to blush for no reason at all. He pointed to a girl who was stretching her legs up on the wall in the rink. She reminded Yuuri a bit of Victor for some reason, with her chin length platinum hair and blue eyes he could see glowing all the way from up in the stands. Victor leaned in close to Yuuri so that his lips brushed his ear. He shivered.

"Watch her. She's good. Really good."

Yuuri felt a pang in his chest. Was it...jealousy? No. He wasn't jealous of this girl. And Victor was just his coach.

So he just nodded. The PA boomed that warm-up was over and everyone left the ice but her. She skated to the center of the ice and posed, waiting for her music. The PA boomed again.


Yuuri choked and heard Victor chuckle. "My sister's an amazing skater. You know she's gonna be good if she's related to me. Right, Yuuri?"


From the moment the music started, Yuuri's eyes were glued to her. Her movements were beautiful and fluid. He found himself leaning forward in his seat. At the end of the program, the room was stunned to silence for a moment. Then the crowd erupted into applause. Victor jumped from his chair and ran to the railing. "YEAH, ANASTASIA! TY UDIVITEL'NYY! YES!" he yelled, pumping his fists in the air. She spun in his direction and pointed at him when their eyes met. She leaned forward and blew him a kiss before turning back and skating off the ice to her coach.

She won the gold medal at the China Cup. Afterwards, she found Victor and flung herself into his arms. "Victor! I'm so happy you got to see me!" They hugged for a while and when they pulled away, she kissed both of his cheeks. "You were amazing, shorty!" She blushed. "Don't call me that!" Victor laughed and looked over to Yuuri, waving him over. "Yuuuri! Come meet my sister!" Yuuri took a careful step in their direction and she lit up. She walked to him and pulled him into an embrace. She kissed his cheeks like it was the most natural thing. He blushed out of embarrassment. "Yuuri! Victor's told me so much about you! Your program is stunning. You're a wonderful skater!" She took his hands in hers and he was taken aback by her overwhelming kindness and luminous smile. "O-oh, thank you! You were incredible. It's no surprise you won gold." He smiled.

She looked over her shoulder at her brother then back at Yuuri. She leaned forward a little and squeezed his hands. "You've certainly made an impression on him. Keep doing what you're doing cause it's working." Then she winked suggestively and let him go.

Keep doing what you're doing cause it's working?

"Come on, boys, dinner's on me!" She linked arms with Victor and motioned for Yuri to attach to her other side.  


Hopefully, this isn't too shitty.


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