Chapter 2: Are You Falling For My Brother?

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After a few hours at the hotel bar, Yuri felt a lot more comfortable being with the Nikiforovs. Victor's sister was absolutely wonderful and really fun to be around. Something else he noticed was her tolerance for alcohol. She'd downed shot after shot and seemed completely unfazed by it. Yuri, on the other hand, had only had a few and was having trouble standing too well. Victor announced he was going upstairs early that night and left the two on their own. Anastasia called for another shot for herself and offered one to Yuri. He waved it off and shook his head insistently. She smirked as she took another.

"Is that your...eighth shot?"

She nodded and downed it.

Then she slammed the glass down on the bar and turned to him. She jabbed a finger in his face.

"Alright. First of all, I'm not drunk and I mean everything I'm about to say."

Yuri nodded. It was surprisingly true; her speech was completely clear and articulate and her expression didn't waver. He had no idea how she managed.

"You like Victor. He likes you. I mean, obviously. He came all the way to Japan just hoping that you'd let him coach you. He cares a lot more about you than you may know, and I know because he tells me everything. And I mean everything. It's obvious you're more inclined towards men. Forgive me if I'm wrong. And it's obvious you're more inclined towards Victor in particular. Once again, forgive me if I'm wrong. So. Are you falling for my brother?"

Yuri's eyes widened at everything she said. "Uh, I, uh, I-I mean..."

She leaned in close, forcing him to look at her. "Do you love Victor?"

His face turned beet red and she looked at him as if to say, "Well?" . "Y-yes," he whispered.

"What was that? Say it again. I want to hear you say it."

"I love him."



"Tell me again. Come on, Yuri. Complete sentences!"

"Yes, I'm in love with Victor!" he said, a bit angrily this time.

"There you go!" she laughed and raised her fists in the air. He buried his face in his arms.

"Awww, Yuri. That's so cute! You're too much." He peeked up at her to see she was smiling down at him. Not smirking or glaring. She was genuinely smiling.

She was okay with this?

"You''re not mad?"

She gave him a puzzled look. "Mad? Of course not! You two are adorable together. I ship it so hard!"

She paused and put a hand on his arm. "I'd never be mad about that. I may be younger than Victor, but I'm more protective of him than he is of me. If anyone's good for him, it's you. Yuri, I want to help you. I know my brother really well. I can help you get to him in ways you don't know."

Yuri sat up and looked at her. "R-really? You want to help me?"

She nodded vigorously. "But right now, you're tipsy and you need to go upstairs and get some sleep. Come on, I'll walk you up."

"You're one to talk," he muttered. She stood up with ease. "Shut up. I'm not nearly as drunk as you and you had three shots. Come on, weirdo."

She helped Yuri off his barstool and they went up to their hotel rooms.


The next morning, they went out for breakfast at a little restaurant that Anastasia recommended. She nudged Yuri over while they walked and they fell back a few steps, letting Victor walk a bit ahead of them. She leaned over and whispered, "When we get to the restaurant, he's gonna try to sit next to me. He'll be shocked if you choose to sit next to him instead of letting me. Okay? So I want you to push forward and sit by him before I can. He'll love it, yeah?"

He blushed at the thought of sitting by him like that, but nodded. She knew how to push his buttons and she wanted to help.

Sure enough, she winked and walked towards Victor's side of the table. Yuri took his chance and pushed in front of her to sit on his side instead. Victor looked up in surprise but scoot over to make room for Yuri. There was a smile pulling at his lips and Yuri blushed at the effect he'd had on him. While Victor was looking down at the menu, Anastasia winked at him. Yuri blushed and couldn't help but smile.


Um...yeah. ANyway.


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