Chapter 5: Daddies and Highlighter

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Yuuri stared into the mirror in Anastasia's bathroom hopelessly. The man looked bad. 

"How the hell am I supposed to just tell him I love him?" he said to himself, raking his hands through his hair with frustration.

"Just tell him you love him? It doesn't seem that hard to me. But, I mean, I'm not a little bitch, so, we're different there," Anastasia butt in from right outside the door. 

"Screw off, eavesdropper. I'm busy talking to myself." She snorted and walked away. 

He zipped up his jacket and sighed at his reflection. 


With one last look in the mirror, he walked out of the bathroom. Anastasia was across the room on her bed with her feet above the headboard. She was speaking Russian on the phone. She held a finger up to him, shouted something angry into the phone, and hung up. 

"Don't worry, I was just talking to daddy. Your daddy, that is. Not mine. That was my brother." Yuuri choked. 


"You heard me. And, by the way, you still look hella dead. Can I put some highlighter on you?"

"You mean makeup?" he asked.



"Bitch, what did you say?"

"I'm not in the mood."

"I hate you."


Anastasia groaned at his stubbornness.

"Fine, idiot, but remember the deal. If you don't wanna look pretty for Victor, that's your problem."

Yuuri scowled and walked out of the room. He had a competition to get to, whether he liked it or not. And now, he had a score to settle with a certain skating sister.


Hey, buckaroos. I woulda updated sooner, but, like,

I didn't care. :)


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