Chapter 3: Where Are My Keys?

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That night, after a round of drinks at the bar, the three friends went up to their hotel rooms together. As Victor unlocked his hotel room door, Yuuri rummaged through his pockets for his own hotel room key. He began to panic slightly after a few seconds of frantic searching. Victor frowned. "Yuuri, what's wrong?" He blushed. "O-oh, I just can't find my..." He looked up and saw Anastasia smirking at him with the key in her hand. "Key," he finished softly. "Anastasia," he began, but she ignored him and slipped the key in her pocket, entering her own room with a wink.

He turned red and looked at Victor. "Can't find it, Yuuri? Hmm...It's too late to go get a spare..." he said, looking at his watch. He cleared his throat and Yuuri looked at his hands.

"Yuuri, there's only one bed in my room, but..." Yuuri met his gaze and realized Victor was smirking. He blushed. "U-um, if you're okay with that..."

He smiled and motioned for him to come along. Yuuri followed him inside nervously.

Yuuri stood awkwardly near the door as Victor walked in and opened his suitcase. He looked up after a moment. "Yuuri?" he laughed. "Come in, don't just stand there. As long as you're here, my room is your room." Yuuri walked in and sat carefully on the edge of the bed. Victor pulled out an extra t-shirt and handed it to Yuri. "Just wear this."

Was he implying that he only wear the shirt?

He blushed for the millionth time and forced those thoughts out of his mind.

Victor smiled and went into the bathroom, shutting the door.

Yuuri quickly removed his clothes and pulled on the shirt. He was still in a pair of sweatpants, but he was going to leave those on.

Victor came out a few minutes later, wearing a muscle shirt that clung to him all over. Yuuri stared, thoughts of Victor in the hot springs running through his brain. Victor chuckled, snapping Yuuri out of his thoughts. He felt heat creeping up his neck and tore his eyes away from Victor's toned abdomen. He turned to face the other direction and lay down hurriedly. His heart was beating a hundred miles per hour and he was staring at the opposite wall with wide eyes. He felt the bed dip and knew Victor was climbing in as well. He still couldn't believe what was happening.

He was sharing a bed with Victor Nikiforov. His idol. Who was ever this lucky?

He squeezed his eyes shut and balled his fists.

Sleep, Yuuri, just sleep!

After a few frustrating minutes trying to sleep, Yuuri gave up and turned on his back to stare at the ceiling. Judging by Victor's even breathing, he was already asleep.

How could Victor sleep at a time like this?

He was taken from his thoughts again when a pair of arms slipped around his torso. His breath hitched and he felt his body go rigid. Victor moved so that he was on top of Yuuri. He rested his chin on Yuuri's chest and gazed at him. "V-Victor!" he gasped. He moved his hands around frantically, eventually letting them rest awkwardly at his sides. 

"Yuuri," Victor purred, "you've got a big competition tomorrow. You need to get some sleep." He smiled up at Yuuri and moved his hand up to stroke his hair. Yuuri shivered and flushed. He felt Victor chuckle against him as he turned to rest his head on Yuuri's chest. It was quiet for a moment and Yuuri willed his heart rate to slow down.

"Yuuri," Victor said, breaking the silence, "why is your heart beating so fast? Relax! I can't do anything to you tonight anyways. You have to be able to skate tomorrow."

What was that even supposed to mean?

"You can't skate if I make it so you can barely stand."

He couldn't be talking about...No! Definitely not that! Victor was just his coach. He didn't like Yuuri in...that way!

Victor sighed and tightened his arms around Yuuri's waist. "Nothing tonight, Yuuri. Just sleep, okay?"

He was asleep shortly after that, leaving Yuuri alone with his thoughts. He couldn't possibly sleep now. He sighed. He was so confused!

What the hell did any of that mean?!


Howdy, ya'll. You can leave now--I know you're cringin' hard.


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