Chapter 4: A Deal With the Devil

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Yuuri hadn't slept but thirty minutes. How could he have? 

It was strange. He should have felt uncomfortable sleeping with Victor, but it felt sort of...well, right. And that scared him. 

When Victor's alarm had gone off, he'd moved away from Yuuri, stretched, and gotten out of bed as if it was the simplest thing. Yuuri heard the bathroom door shut and the shower curtain being pulled back. As soon as the water was running, he jumped out of bed and grabbed his few belongings, making his way to Anastasia's room. 

He pounded on the door for what felt to him like hours. Finally, he heard a screech from inside and the door swung open to reveal a messy-haired Anastasia with makeup smudged down her cheeks. She looked rather angry.

"What the fu-"

"I cannot believe you did that!" Yuuri fumed.

Anastasia stared at him for a minute, then burst out laughing. When she had finally caught her breath, she sighed and shook her head. 

"Did what, Yuuuuri?" she smiled innocently. She reached into the pocket of her robe and pulled out his key. 

"Oh...this?" she said, waving the key in front of his nose. He snatched at the air, but she'd moved away too quickly.

"Come on!"

"How about this," she began, tucking the key into her bra where he couldn't reach for it, "if you can tell Victor that you love him today, I'll consider giving this back. What do you say?" She smirked. Yuuri stammered. 

"I-you can' can't do this. That's my key! I paid for the room! And luggage is inside!" 

Bingo! She had to give it back now!

"Come, come," she sang as she led him into her room. His suitcase and bags sat on the floor in the middle of the entryway. 

"It's all been taken care of. I suggest you freshen up. It's a big day, and you look like you could be carrying an entire grocery store in those bags under you eyes! You want to look good when you confess to my brother, don't you?" Yuuri just stared in utter disbelief. She sat on his suitcase and crossed her legs like a business woman.

"Now, do we have a deal, or do we have a deal?" 


Sorry this is late as all fuck. :)


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