vii. faq | what is pastebin?

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What is pastebin?

Pastebin, or, is a website I'm pretty sure was originally made for sharing coding. Now, us apply fic authors prefer our applicants to submit their forms via pastebin as in looks all nice and neat.

This is what pastebin looks like on the computer, when you first access the website:

To put your completed form into pastebin, copy and paste your completed form into the area titled new paste

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To put your completed form into pastebin, copy and paste your completed form into the area titled new paste. Then title your form in the box labeled paste name / title underneath optional paste settings.

 Then title your form in the box labeled paste name / title underneath optional paste settings

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Once your scroll down a little, you will see a button that says create new paste. Hit that button, and your form is now in a pastebin! To submit your form via pastebin, copy the url at the top of the page and give that to the author of the apply fic via private message or comment (depending on what the apply fic author wants, some prefer one method over the other).


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