Chapter #16

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(Pictures are Téras)

I knew where Téras was.

But I didn't tell the crew that when we split up to look for Luffy. I wanted to be the one to find him.

Part of it was me being selfish, and the other part was me knowing this wouldn't go well for anyone who hasn't met him before.

I let them all pick the paths they wanted to take first because I knew that none of them would choose to go back the way we came.

Although, when we split up and I started walking back, Robin gave me a knowing smile. I could tell she knew I was just sending them off to wander around the temple. But she didn't say anything, so I didn't.

The main hall was still flooded with water, though it's spread out enough to only reach just above my ankles.

I made my way back to where the guard's hall was and into the prison masters office.

The office was nothing special, the only thing in it was a desk and a chair. On the desk were files and papers that looked important. And because of my pettiness, I took a second to place my hand over them, heat up my skin, and burn them.

It made me feel a little better.

Moving right along.

This temple was just full of secret passages. And me, having been a 'favorite' of Téras, knew where most of them were.

In order to keep his reputation up, Téras would sneak me through the tunnels and into his private chambers so no one in BB would see him walking me to his room.

I shivered at the thought of going back there.

I placed a foot on the front of the office desk and kicked it straight into the back wall. The drawers flew out and the desk crumpled in.

I creepily molested the wall where the desk was against until I found a small, almost flat button. I pushed it and a little trap door appeared on the ground next to me.

With a triumphant: "bingo", I swung open the door and climbed down the metal ladder into the dank tunnel. It was even darker and colder down here than up in the main corridor.

As I navigated a route I've walked a thousand times with ease, I tried not to think. Which was not easy, cause you can't exactly turn that off.

Horrible memories of my time here bubbled up and became so hard to ignore that I clawed my arm to use the pain as a distraction.

I just need to get Reeth and Luffy, leave, and then I can put everything behind me. Won't have to ever think of this dreaded place again.

That thought fueled me on and in only a few minutes I was at the other side of the temple.

The tunnel came to a dead end with a ladder and hatch just like the entrance.

I climbed the ladder and shoved open the trap door.

I shielded my eyes from the bright light. Having been in the dark so long, it took a while for my eyes to adjust.

When I could finally see, I crawled out of the hatch and onto a marble tiled floor. I kicked the door shut behind me and looked around.

The room was a wide and open room with high ceilings and tons of natural light flooding in from the intricately designed stain glass windows on the ceiling. Large quartz pillars surrounded a master bed in the center of the room. Very fancy red curtains hung all the way down from the ceiling and covered the glass wall behind the bed.

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