Chapter #18

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Awesome song, you can listen while you read 😋

(Reeth's POV)

"......" the voice was quiet and cloudy, I couldn't make it out. The voice repeated it again and I could make out the word it was uttering.

"Reeth, wake up," the voice was whiny and carefree with a familiarity.

"Charlie?" I croaked out and opened my eyes, but it wasn't Charlie that stood over me, instead it was Luffy, Antalya's captain that I tried not to like.

"Hmm?" He hummed and tilted his head to the side, "who's Charlie?"

I blinked a few times before his question finally processed in my mind. I cast my eyes down to the silver bottom of the birdcage. I sighed and then looked up at him, "never mind that, what are you doing here? And where is RedEyes?"

"I came to kick Taurus' ass. But Red's doing that," he giggled and looked over his shoulder and yelled out, "GO RED!" With a thumbs up.

I lifted my weak body onto shaky talons to see over him. And there was Antalya in her stage three, diving into a cloud of gray smoke. Téras was behind the smoke with his fists clenched and leaking smoke. She didn't seem to hear Luffy through the smoke and continued.

I paled and turned back to Luffy who was working on opening the cage, "listen, you need to get RedEyes to stop fighting and get her out of here."

"Huh? Why?" He looked up at me curiously and then glanced back at Antalya for a second, "she's doing fine."

"You just need to get her out of here," I said, trying to convince him without telling him why.

"Listen, Luffy," I spoke seriously and he looked back at me, "I know how you feel for RedEyes since we talked a while back, so you have to trust me now," I talked slowly, making sure he processed every word I said.

He frowned though, "if she wants to fight him, then I won't stop her. Don't worry, I won't let her die," he chuckled and tapped his fingers against the cage bars like a dog wagging his tail.

I sighed and bent my head down to peck at the chain around my ankle, "no matter, work on getting me out of here. We might need to run if this doesn't go our way..."

"What are you talking about? Of course Red will win," he said confidently. Still not trying to open the cage, I was getting a little annoyed.

"Okay Luffy, now get the cage open," I said  muffled as I tried to pick the chain lock with my beak.

"Okay~" he sang and swung his arm in a circle before throwing it back and stretching it across the garden.

I straightened up, pulling my beak out and hesitantly asked: "what are you doing?"

His tongue stuck out of the corner of his mouth, "breaking the cage open," he said simply.

"Wait what?"

He leaned forward and his arm yanked up and came sailing towards me.

Just before his fist reached the cage though, the ground split open and the shaking caused the stand holding the cage to tip and then fall over.

I squawked in surprise as Luffy's momentum threw him off and he went sailing past me and straight into the stone temple wall.

I shifted uncomfortable off my side and winced at the fresh pain that ran from my wings and up to my head.  I groaned along with Luffy and looked up at Antalya to make sure she was okay. She was flying in the air with Téras' pet 'Lisa' dangling from her tail and ripping it up.

Not Alone Anymore (Luffy x OC)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now