We had 41 people enter this giveaway so I decided to draw NINE winners! I used a random name generator (I swear, never again. It's literally easier to draw names out of a hat. That was more copy and paste than I ever want to do again).
Everyone who is mentioned in this chapter gets ONE FREE GRAPHIC of their choosing. Any graphic you want (always up for something new). And if you don't want your prize for whatever reason (I mean why would you enter if you didn't, but whatever, I don't judge) you can forward the prize to a friend.
PM me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE because I managed to get another three days off of school this week because I am a senior and seniors are better than everyone :P Good luck to those juniors and your freaking whole week of standardized testing.
Why is this entire chapter bolded? Because ... reasons.
Teacher gave us this survey in web design and I was just being the sassiest little thing...I wish I could reread it.
So has anyone ever noticed how beautiful an arrangement the How To Train Your Dragon Suite is -- and if you're in orchestra it seems so challenging but according to my band director the arrangement for concert bands are all super easy which sucks I wanted to play it so bad and now we're stuck with this sucky John Williams medley.
Ahhh I'm listening to the HTTYD Suite right now and It's amazing. That snare gives me the chills. DRAGONS DRAGONS DRAGONS DRAGONS DRAGONS DRAGONS DRAGONS DRAGONS.
Probably one of the greatest medleys of it ever, I can really appreciate the instrumentation. If you're gonna listen then make sure to stick it out til 7:20 because that's where it gets so so so epic.
*someone offstage throws a shoe at my head* Get a move on! We have lives you know!
No you don't. MWAHAHA I shall talk for as long as I want. I don't have a book of random anymore so this is technically it. So...Eurielle anyone? I don't like everything by her, but she has some really great epic music. Such a beautiful voice.
Holy schist it just got really dark.
I don't like Saphie from Frankenstein. I don't care if she breaks the typical female stereotypes of the romantic gothic era. Sigh.
Okay, who threw that harpoon at me? Who does that? You don't just harpoon people because you feel like. What's wrong with you?
*person in back hides second harpoon behind back*
OKAY I've strung you along for long enough.
PM for prizes as soon as possibles. Congrats, luck of the draw was with you.
See y'all later, and if you get any anime requests in your cover shop that you do not want, feel free to tag me in them ;). That also goes for non - OC oriented Percy Jackson covers.
Oh wow the rain here is beautiful.

Protector Graphics: by Spirit Writer [OPEN-BP]
Random[X] OPEN Ahhh the aliens are coming! Your books need weapons. Request now! [X] BEING PICKY There are so many of you. I can't equip all of you. But don't let this deter you from requesting. [] ANIME graphics preferred. ...