Yeap I have been more active on my youtube than I have been here. YUGIOH has been taking over my life. XD And uni starts soon and work and ughhh. But I haven't stopped graphicing. Far from. I have been commissioning TNs for some of the biggest yugitubers out there. Isn't that great!? Dylan from Yugioh friggin EVerything yo.
If you haven't watched yugioh since Duel Monsters, or GX, or 5Ds, I still encourage you to give VRains a watch because it is the 5Ds of the new generation and it is great.
Project iDragon fans, expect updates soon.
Some of these are thumbnails, some channel arts, some wallpapers
Protector Graphics: by Spirit Writer [OPEN-BP]
Random[X] OPEN Ahhh the aliens are coming! Your books need weapons. Request now! [X] BEING PICKY There are so many of you. I can't equip all of you. But don't let this deter you from requesting. [] ANIME graphics preferred. ...