By Pennywithaney
You would have gotten this two days earlier if I hadn't had such a hard time finding the text. Just sitting there like.... Why serif hate me?
I hope you like it *hides behind sheep*
Ah crap forgot the subtitle.
*add subtitle*
Ehh I'll just publish this in the morning. I'll send through le slack because I don't like links and school blocks uploading sites (which makes my coding class a nightmare without imgur -.-).
First time I've manipulated a background together in months. First manipulation I've done for a while actually.... Not too bad...
Protector Graphics: by Spirit Writer [OPEN-BP]
Aléatoire[X] OPEN Ahhh the aliens are coming! Your books need weapons. Request now! [X] BEING PICKY There are so many of you. I can't equip all of you. But don't let this deter you from requesting. [] ANIME graphics preferred. ...