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Was tagged by -gnossienne- to do this super fun looking tag. Okay here we go. Prompty things is right here.
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#1 High Cs -Two Steps From Hell Kinda figures doesn't it XD
#2 Sugar ans Spice - Icon For Hire
*flips hair* There's something wrong with me, there's something wrong with me *winks*
#3 Evergreen - Two Steps From Hell I always imagined a North Cardinal ballroom dance sequence to this.
#4 The Colonel - Two Steps From Hell
What does this tell you about me so far lol
#5 Dragon Rider - Two Steps From Hell I do listen to other music, just so you know
#6 How to Train Your Dragon - Soundtrack Remix
Heck to the yeah, drop that bass Hiccup. It gets better
#7 Broken Record - Plain White T's
I should have never let her go go go *does the hair flip thing* baba ba ba
#8 Flameheart - Two Steps From Hell
Not my favorite as far as TSFH songs go
#9 Prove Me Wrong - Fireflight
*nods head along* This mask I wear I've worn for too long
#10 It's Over When It's Over - Falling in Reverse
Agh that rap is so slick. Rawr.
So that is my thing. Lots of TSFH with a couple power songs mostly XD. None of the stuff like Ronan Hardiman or Lollia or Hollywood Undead showed up for some reason, nor one of three AoT openers. Heh.