Don't stare too long or the flaws become obvious
A simple manipulation of Merit, the MC from my next book, Songless.
Songless is going to be a type of fairytale retelling from the point of view of the one person you wouldn't expect to do a lot of talking in a fairytale. Merit is the daughter of one of the most overlooked mass murderers in the land.
She origins from the only music based fairytale that I could remember. Give me a guess below on who you think her parent is XD
Protector Graphics: by Spirit Writer [OPEN-BP]
Random[X] OPEN Ahhh the aliens are coming! Your books need weapons. Request now! [X] BEING PICKY There are so many of you. I can't equip all of you. But don't let this deter you from requesting. [] ANIME graphics preferred. ...