Chapter 2- Adopted

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"Cassie! Wake up and get on something nice its adoption day!" Anna, my foster mom calls to me. I groan and rip the covers off my once warm and comfortable body. Anna leaves my room so I can change, I changed into a Panic! shirt and some black ripped skinny jeans. I go into the bathroom carefully and stealthily as I don't want the other girls to see me, None of the girls really were friends of mine and I mostly just stayed away from them anyways. When I reached the bathroom I brushed out my brownish red hair back into a ponytail. I apply my regular makeup which contends of, winged eyeliner, mascara and a bit of my favorite burgundy lipstick. Once done with appearance I headed downstairs for breakfast before the families looking to adopt come in.

~Time Skip~

Breakfast which was pancakes -since its adoption day- were amazing, Anna's pancakes were always good. Now it was time for the families to come in. Great. This is the time where pretty much all the favored girls get adopted but me of course being the dark weird teen in the corner with her headphones in doesn't get adopted ever. So I was just listening to my shuffle playlist, consisting of Panic!, FOB, MCR, and Twenty One Pilots. So I'm just looking at my Instagram listening to House of Memories when someone taps my shoulder, I look up to see someone I thought I would never see my entire life. Brendon Boyd Urie is standing at least 2 feet in front of me. BREADBIN BOYD URINE IS STANDING IN FRONT OF ME. HOLY SHIT. I squeal and he laughs. "Sorry.." I mumble just loud enough for him to hear. "Oh, its ok.. um.." He blanks, looking at me. "Cassie" I say for him putting my phone down and putting my other hand behind my neck. "Cassie," he says. "I like it, I see your a fan" he says smiling pointing down at my shirt and probably guessing from the squeal. "Yea, you guys. I mean I guess just you, got me through a lot of things, also a couple other bands but you the most" I stumble on my words a bit looking down. "Well that means a lot thanks Cassie. So tell me about yourself." he says as if actually intrigued by me. I hear some of the other girls whispering in my direction but I ignore it. "Well Im Cassie, I'm 14 I love your band, twenty one pilots, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance and some other bands, I love to draw and I occasionally write songs, but their not that good" I explain to him, he looks at me with a 'oh my god' type of look "I'll be right back" he says, walking over to Anna.

Stephanie walk over to me. Oh great what now? "Do you really think you're going to get adopted by THE Brendon Urie?" She looks at me with a chuckle "I have hopes that I can finally get out of this place and as far away as possible from you and any other fake ass girls but to answer your question, yes it can happen" You chuckle back at her. She just looks at you with the most 'I will rip you to shreds' look and walks away. As if on cue Anna walks over to me and loud enough so the other girls can hear her "Cassie, go pack your things. You're getting adopted!" My jaw drops and I look over at Brendon and he nods. I put on a smirk and look at Stephanie with a 'told ya so, so HAH BiTCH' then she looks at me, then Anna, then Brendon as I walk up the stairs to pack.

Im packing the small amount of clothes I have into my suitcase and still have loads of room in the suitcase so I head to the bathroom grab my makeup, toothbrush/toothpaste and brush and put them in the little netted side pouch of my bag. Grabbing my computer and its charger along with my phone charger I slip the chargers with my makeup and my laptop under my clothes. I roll up all my posters and put them on top of the rest of my things, as Brendon walks in "Hey kid, almost ready?" he smiles "yea just a couple more things then I'll be ready" I say not looking up from packing to grab my speaker and extra headphones and put them in my suitcase. "Ready!" I say to Brendon as he's leaning against the door frame "alright lets go kid" He walks down the stairs and approaches the door. I grabbed my phone and earbuds a was using and slipped them in my pockets. I say goodbye to Anna and look back at Stephanie and the other girls and walk out.

~Skip the car ride because I'm lazy~

"We're home!" Brendon says pulling into the driveway. Its beautiful. I stand in front of it in complete awe as Brendon pokes me "Get used to it kid your gonna be here a bit" he jokes opening the door, the first thing I see is the Frank Sinatra picture on the wall and I smile "Kiddo, you wanna go unpack while I make lunch?" Brendon asks me "Yea! Oh can you show me my room?" I ask "Yea come on" he says ushering to follow him up the stairs. I follow him and he leads me to the second to last door on the right in the hall way (there being 6 doors in total) I open it and see the most beautiful room ever. A queen bed with dark blue covers and grey walls with a white dresser and a wall mirror with fairy lights above it, a walk in closet and bathroom in that. "Do you like it?" Brendon asks with hope and fear in his voice I turn around and hug him tightly "I love it!" I say excitedly and he lets out a sigh of relief.

~Skip to Lunch because unpacking is boring~

"Lunch is ready!" Brendon yells up the stairs to me, I just finished unpacking everything and head downstairs into the kitchen to see Brendon with two sandwiches. "You like turkey right?" He asks kind of worried but not super worried "Yea, I love turkey!" I say and he lets out another sigh with a chuckle and I giggle with him. This has officially been the best day ever


"*some random person* YO TF 2 CHAPTERZ??" Chill my dood. But anyways! Hey guys! so this is the official beginning of this story! I hoped you liked it. Bye.


Trade Mistakes (adopted by Brendon Urie) •{COMPLETED}•Where stories live. Discover now