Chapter 21- Pilots (ya bOi's Tyjo and Jishwaa)

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Cassie's POV-

"Hey Evelyn!" I wave, seeing the shorter tan girl with chest length black hair, and green eyes. She waves at me. "Hi!" she says speeding up her walk. "Whats up?" I ask. "Also I love your eyes" I add. "Thanks! and not much, I just got here. Now I'm standing in front of some of my idols!" She exclaims referring to me and the other 4 bands behind me. "Cool so what do you want to do first?" I ask. "We have about an hour and a half before soundcheck." I say. "Um I dunno. I probably should put some of my things away" I suggest. "Oh yeah! Here I'll bring you to the busses" I turn and wave at her to follow me. When we get to the Panic! bus, I put in the code and swing open the door. I step inside and spread out my arms. "Alright so this is the kitchen lounge area." I wave. "The shelves for whatever are right here" I point, then I start walking a little bit "The bunks are right here" I walk hitting each one with my arms, "Yours is right here" I say pointing to the bunk across from my own. "Ok" Evelyn says plopping her bag inside. "This is the ever so important bathroom" I say in an articulate accent. Evelyn and I laugh as I show her the rest of the bus. "Cool so I should unpack a little bit" Evelyn states, pulling her Ipod and camera out of her bag. "Here lemme see that" I make grabby hands at her camera "Oh wow you take really good pictures with this." I say examining it. "Oh I didn't take those concert pictures with that" she says. I look at her confused. "I took them with my friend, Amelia's, phone, then sent them to myself and posted them" she says. "Cool. We should probably get back to the guys" I say ushering her forward. She walks forward quickly towards the door to the bus stopping once she reaches it, I open the door and walk in front of her back to the venue. "Alright so I'm guessing you know these guys?" I ask. "Yup everyone" She says. "And almost all of their middle names" She whispers to me. I giggle "Hey me too. Even before I came into all this" I say. Evelyn laughs.

~Yey I'm supposed to be making a paragraph in ELA rn~

"Alright Eve. We need to get you a new camera, this thing is shit!" Brendon exclaims. "Yea I know. You really don't have to get me the new one." She says. "Honey you are in need of a new one" Kenny says. "Ms. Delgado said I shouldn't even have this" She explains. "Fuck Ms. Delgado!" Brendon yells. "Yeah exactly she's a real bitch to me" She says looking to me. "I showed Bren. No one else" I mouth, she nods and carries on. "But seriously we're going to get you a new camera, Zack! I'm taking your car" He yells across the set. "'Kay" Zack yells back. "Alright let's go! Cass you coming?" He asks me. I was sitting on the couch onmy phone. "Yep! Lets go!" I push myself off the couch and jog to catch up with Brendon and Evelyn. "Okay so we're going why?" I ask walking next to Brendon. "We're getting Eve a new camera" Brendon explains opening Zacks car door. Evelyn and I sit in the back seat as he drives. We get there from a 10 minute drive from the venue to a Best Buy. "Hi welcome to Best Buy what're y'all lookin for?" A chirpy girl greets us. "Hi we're looking for a new camera, preferably for darker photos" Brendon explains. "Okay! We have cameras over there" she points to the back left of the store, I go up on my tiptoes and see the sign for photography. "Okay thanks" I say walking over. "Yup! Come to me if you have any questions" She calls. We get over to the cameras and Evelyn's eyes go wide. "Woah" she breathes. "Pick one kid" Brendon ushers his hand over all the cameras. Evelyn goes up to a Canon and picks it up. She fumbles with some settings before setting it down before walking to a Nikon. She turns it on and looks at the way it was built. "This one" She says turning to Brendon. "Can I get this one?" She asks him. "Yup, here you go check out and I'll be right back." He says before walking to a different part of the store. I walk with Evelyn to go check out. (Holy shit I just looked up how much Nikon cameras are. A Nikon d2300 is about $530.... Damn) We walk around the store to find Brendon but by the time we find him he had just bought an IPhone 6s and a laptop. "Who's that for?" I ask. "I wonder" He hands the two things to Evelyn. "No. You just bought me a really expensive camera and I'm already going to be coming with you to a few shows to take pictures. I don't need a phone and laptop" she explains. "Already payed for and done" Brendon says. "Fine but you are not buying me anything else while I'm here" She points a finger at him and I laugh. "Okay. Now let's get back to the venue there's 15 minutes until soundcheck" We walk out to the car and evelyn opens her camera. Snapping a picture of the street intersection we had stopped at. Looking back on it to see if it's okay. "Wow this camera is amazing" She says. "Lemme see" I say leaning over a bit, she shows me the picture of the street, the sunlight was hitting the lens just well enough to make a transparent white (Just like ma boi Filip Lestah) streak across the picture. "Damn that is really good" I say. "So I have a feeling we have our new camera person?" Brendon asks, not taking his eyes off the road. "Definitely" I respond smiling at Evelyn. "How am I going to stay here though? I'm still eligible to be adopted" She asks. "Bren you'll have to figure that one out" I say. "I'm here for system questions but otherwise its up to you" I say shrugging. "We'll see" Brendon smirks before parking Zack's car near the bus. "Cassie grab your stuff" He says. "Evelyn if you need to do anything go ahead" He adds and we both get out of the car. "Alright I need to get my stage clothes. You can grab your makeup and whatever, we can set your phone up later after the show" I say. "Okay" She says and goes over to her bunk. I grab my backpack with stage clothes, makeup, brush and all that. I grab my phone and go up to Ev. "'Kay ready?" I ask her. "Yup" she says grabbing her camera and following me out of the bus.

~wOo I seriously stop writing in ELA~

I hear Brendon start singing super high notes and I know that soundcheck had already begun. "Alright I'm going to formally introduce you with the help of Brendon's high notes to the others we have with us" I say. "Guy's this is Evelyn as you know she will be taking pictures for our shows. Evelyn You know these guys" I chuckle. "And don't worry they're not super violent, except for when there is pizza." Pete's eyes light up and we all laugh.


Hey so I'm supposed to be helping with my Social Studies project but whatever :/  Alright carry on with your lives and I'm gonna be at my grandma's for a couple days and I have more finals tomorrow so I wont be super super active. Bye y'all

-Toxic Daydream

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