Chapter 4- School

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~3rd Person~

This was amazing to Cassie. She is going on tour with Brendon and the guys. There's just one thing. School, this was the hot-spot for people to bully her but maybe that will change.

Cassie's P.O.V

"Cass! Wake up! Your going to be late for school!" Brendon yells upstairs to me. I groan and get out of bed. Failing to run a hand through my bedhead, I go brush it out putting in a -surprisingly good- high ponytail. I go get changed and I pick out a Twenty one Pilots shirt I cut the sleeves out of and black skinny jeans with a rip in one knee and one near my thigh. I grab my phone from my nightstand and head downstairs.

"Morning, Cass" Brendon greets me not looking up from cooking whatever he's cooking. "Morning. Whats for breakfast?" I ask him not being able to see what he is cooking "Pancakes, their almost done." He replies focusedly (is focusedly a word? now it is whatever) 


"Okay Cass, first day! Have fun!" Brendon says kissing me on the cheek as I get my bag and get out of the car "Bye Brendon" I say closing the car door. I walk over to a girl with hair kinda like mine but shorter and curly and tap on her shoulder. She turns around and I see she has a Panic! necklace and shirt on and I smile. "Hi  I'm Ca-" She cuts me off "Cassie Urie. Yea I know who you are. I'm Sydney just by the way." She says to me "Well hi Sydney. I see your a fan." I say gesturing to her shirt "Oh yea I've been a fan of your dad since just before Ryan left" She says frowning a bit at the end of the sentence. "Anyways, Why'd you come over to me?" She asks "Oh I was wondering if you could show me around the school. Y'know since I'm new" I say "Oh yea here lemme see your schedule" [Or timetable if your 'bloody british' (your welcome) Ok back to the story]  I hand her my schedule. 

Homeroom- English 

Period 1- English

Period 2- Math

Period 3- Music

Period 4- Advanced Music


Period 5- Art

Period 6- P.E.

Period 7- Science 

"Cool, so we have 5 classes together. English, Music, P.E, Art, and Science. Then lunch of course. That's pretty cool" Sydney says to me looking over both mine and hers schedules. As we were walking down the hall to our homeroom/first class we were non stop talking "What's it like to be Brendon's daughter?" Sydney asks me. "Its cool. Especially because you get to see whats happening before anyone else" I say trying not to spill about the tour and the new album since only some people know about it and not many fans yet. "OoOOOooooOoOooOo. Secrets" Sydney says while nudging me "Go step on a lego I'm not telling you shit yet" I say laughing "YET" she almost yells emphasizing 'et' I laugh and push her to the side gently once we get to our homeroom and I sit next to her in an empty seat. "So whats your favorite song?" I ask Sydney "Its definately either Ode to Sleep or Hurricane" she replies putting her head on her fist to perk it up. "Hurricane by Halsey or Panic?" I ask. "Panic's. Yea I like Halsey's but Panic is my shit" she says and I chuckle "whats yours?" she returns the question "Um, either Sing or Nearly Witches" "Your dads song is one of your favorite songs?" "Well duh I've been a fan of Panic! the longest" 

~woo magical time skip~

I'm sitting waiting for people to come in to advanced music since its in the same room -Mr. Kzyerbach is the teacher- for both. I'm looking at my phone under the desk so Mr. K doesn't see me until someone sits next to me I look over and take in her appearance Short Blonde Hair that just covers her ears, brown eyes, sorta pale and a septum piercing. It looks fake though. She is wearing a MCR shirt and black skinny jeans. "Hey! Cassie right? Your a Urie!" she asks "Yep, that's me!" "Cool! Oh I'm Izabel, well call me Iza" (the rest of classes were pretty boring and lunch was just getting to know Syd and Iza more. Turns out Syd and Iza have been friends for a while.)

~Time skippio to the end of the day~ (I just thought, Skippio's would be a good cereal name. Idk why)

We (Syd, Iza, and I) were sitting at a table outside, Me and Syd waiting for our rides and Iza waiting for us to go then she walks home. "Oh, my mom's here bye guys" Syd grabs her backpack and stands up walking over to a silver car. "Bye Syd." Iza and I say in unison we look at each other and start laughing I look over and see Brendons car "Oh, Brendon's here. Bye Iza" I say grabbing my bag "Bye Cass" 


"Hey, kiddo I have to head over to the studio quick, wanna come?" Brendon walks into my room "Sure, lets go" I say turning off my phone and grabbing my combat boots putting them on. "Can we get food while were out Beebo?" I ask as we get in the car "Since when have you called me beebo?" Brendon asks pulling out into the road "Ive called you beebo all my life just not in front of you" I reply giggling "Oh right, you were a fan before I adopted you. I forgot" He says with a chuckle "No, I just learned every word to almost all your songs and all your nicknames and about everything in about a month" I say sarcastically waving a hand in the air "Its very possible" Brendon says not taking his eyes off the road. 

~futzuki~ (I was watching the commercial for tht so now it means time skip)

"Hey guys! I brought Cass" Brendon greets the guys "Hi Bren, hey Cass" I couldn't see who said it but I recognized it as Dallon "Hi Dal" I say. We went over tour dates and things like that. I'll be leaving school for about 2 months and we'd leave on the 15th of February and get back on April 13th. This was going to be the best.


Hey guys! So sorry this chapter got out so late but at least its out. Next chapter might not be tmr bc I have a dinner for my Mom and Uncle's b-day. Ok bye my doods and doodettes 


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