Chapter 19- Evelyn

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"Gee why are you doing this" I yell. "Because we need something to happen on this tour" He yells back. "Bren! Glass of Water! Come here!" I yell. "Dammit I hate my branding" Dallon yells, annoyed. "Why?" Brendon asks, walking in. "If Gee falls not like I can pull him up alone. Look at this thing" I hold back a laugh and point at Gee. "Offended" Gee puts a hand on his chest. "Anyways, Gee you jumping or not?" Pete asks from behind him. "Yeah shut up" Gerard says then steps back. "Alright watch it" He says. I hold my phone up as I've been recording the past minute. "Cass goddammit re-" I cut him off. "Gee just hecking jump!" I yell from behind my phone. Gerard runs, leaping one foot in front of the other, grabbing Dad and Dallons hands. "Ayeeee" I say zooming in on Gerards face. "hOld up you're getting edgy" Gerard looks at me, going to mock me. I look him dead in the eyes. "Don't. Even. Think about it" I say, still looking at him, then stop the recording. (I'm so not procrastinating everything and I'm totally working on my social studies and science project ok bye)

~wOoP lEsGo~

"Hey Cass! C'mere" Brendon yells from the back lounge. "Alright one sec" I yell back putting my phone in my pocket and jumping down from my bunk. I walk into the back lounge and see his phone shoved in my face. "Your birthday show is trending" He says. "Woah" I breathe pushing his phone out and grabbing my own. "How did I not see this I was just on Twitter?" I ask myself. "It just blew up cause a picture from a fan that was in front row" He clicks the picture on my phone from over my shoulder. It shows a picture of me kneeling with my new guitar. I saw everyone with their own assigned instruments in hand and the golden mic in its place in front of the stage. "Woah that's really good" I state. "Yea I seriously want this type of photography for other shows" Brendon sighs. (I know Brendon has his photographer no hate against him but I need someone to show up) "I have an idea" I say and sit down, clicking the girl's profile. Her instagram is in her bio. Cool. I open my Instagram and look up her name. I decided to private message her.

cassieurie- Hello Evelyn! We have seen your picture from my birthday show. Brendon has said he needs someone new to take pictures. I haven't told Brendon yet but shhh ;) I would love to ask you to come with us to a couple shows to take pictures. We also have another bunk in the Panic! bus. Hope you can get back to me. -Cassie Urie

"Alright!" I exclaim. "What'd you do now?" Brendon asks, scared. "I messaged the girl who took the picture that you needed someone to come take pictures" I say pressing my head into my shoulder innocently. "Oh my God, Cass, I didn't think about that" He exclaims sitting face palming. "Yep. You're welcome" I stand walking to the other lounge. "What was Brendon being dumb about this time?" Kenny asked. "Y'now how we need someone to take pictures at shows?" I ask. Kenny nods knowingly for me to keep going. "There's this girl that took a really good set of pictures of my birthday show and I messaged her on Instagram to ask if she wanted to come to a few shows to take pictures" I say simply. "Awesome" Kenny laughs opening his laptop going to a random email. I open my phone and see a reply from the girl.

its.yagirl.evelyn- Seriously? Thank you! I would love to but I would probably have to sneak out to get to the places :/

cassieurie- Why would you need to sneak out? Just ask your parents.

its.yagirl.evelyn- That's the thing, I don't have any. The tickets were a birthday gift from a friends parent. We have the same birthday btw!

cassieurie- Oh my god its awesome that we have the same birthday! But you're a foster child as well?

its.yagirl.evelyn- Yea I am... My foster mom is a bitch though.

cassieurie- I feel you, one of my old foster moms were like that :/ But I could get Brendon to talk to her to have you come to a few shows!

its.yagirl.evelyn- That would be amazing! I'd love to get away from this place.

cassieurie- Great! What's the name of your foster home?

its.yagirl.evelyn- New Beginnings Adoption Centre of San Francisco. I know I hate telling people that name. It's so cringey.

cassieurie- Definitely cringe worthy. We'll be notifying the place soon!

"Alright we need to call because she's back in San Francisco" I say walking into the back lounge again. "Alright what's her parents number?" He asks opening his phone. I cough and he looks up. "She's like me" I say awkwardly. Brendon looks at me again. "Alright what's her center's name?" He asks. "New Beginnings Adoption Centre of San Francisco" I say. "Ok I'll email them."

Evelyn's POV- (woah POV change. That hasn't happened in a while)

My Ipod buzzes and I pick it up. A message from instagram, I open it and read it,

cassieurie- Hello Evelyn! We have seen your picture from my birthday show. Brendon has said he needs someone new to take pictures. I haven't told Brendon yet but shhh ;) I would love to ask you to come with us to a couple shows to take pictures. We also have another bunk in the Panic! bus. Hope you can get back to me. -Cassie Urie

Woah. Woah. Holy crap Cassie Urie just messaged me! "Augh!" I screech and my roommate, Amber, looks at me. "What the fuck are you screeching about? You weird emo" She mumbles that last part just loud enough for me to hear. "Whatever, A famous person just messaged me" I say simply. "What? Who? Like Shawn Mendes? Selena Gomez?" She asks. "Ew no" I scrunch up my face. (No offense to those people I just need one of those bitchy girls in here) "Then who?" she asks. "Cassie Urie." Amber scrunches up her own face. "Ew one of your emo freaky people?" She asks. "No she's actually not super emo like some other people. She actually looks like a kind of normal person" I say simply. "Whatever. She's not even that famous" She says returning to her bedazzled-ass phone. 


Alright so I'm updating a lot now. And I wrote this whole chapter in an hour and a half..... I seriously need to stop writing in class. Anyways carry on with your lives. 

-Toxic Daydream

Trade Mistakes (adopted by Brendon Urie) •{COMPLETED}•Where stories live. Discover now