Chapter 3- Meeting the Guys and Periscope

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I was sitting on the couch with Brendon after lunch watching him Periscope quietly as he points the camera towards me "Cassie, say hi to the people!" he says slightly startling me since I was zoning out a bit. "Oh! Hi guys! Whats up?" I ask snapping back to reality I laugh a bit as I see some comments like 'She's so pretty!' and 'Can she sing too?' other ones like 'I'm so jealous of her'. Brendon must have saw the ones about singing "Oh yea Cassie can sing she is amazing!" he says looking over at me. I look back at the comments 'Sing Nicotine! Or Death Of A Bachelor!' and 'Sing Guns for Hands or Migraine' or some other Panic! songs or Twenty one Pilots "Cass, just sing something" Brendon laughs as I look at more comments. "One second" I run upstairs and get my ukulele and head down the stairs playing the beginning of a twenty one pilots song I start to sing 

Na na na na Ohh Ohh 

Na na na na Ohh Ohh

Na na na na Ohhh Ohhh

When the leader of the bad guys sang, 

Something soft and soaked in pain.

I heard the echo from his secret hide-away. 

He must have forgot to close his door, 

As he cranked up those dismal chords 

And his four walls declared him insane.

I  found my way right time, wrong place, as I fled my case


Your the Judge! Oh no set me free-ee

Your the Judge! Oh no set me free-ee 

I know my souls freezing, Hell's high for good reason so please. 

Take me.

Three lights are lit but the fourth ones out, 

I can tell cause its a bit darker than the last nights bought.

I forgot about the drought of light bulbs in this house so I head  out,

Down a route I think is heading south.

But I'm not good with directions, and I hide behind my mouth. 

I'm prone to imperfections and I'm best friends with my doubt. 

Now that my minds out and now I hear it clear and loud I'm thinking wow. 

I probably should have stayed inside my house 

~Skip to the End bc I'm a lazy hoe~

"Cassie, everyone!" Brendon says excitedly as I put my ukulele down and  look back into the comments again 'She sounds amazing!' 'Ukulele too?'and 'Brendon are you sure she's adopted?' I laughed at that one. "Guys I know, she's amazing!" Brendon exclaims. Riiiingggg Riiingggg I look over at my phone, nope not mine. I look over to Brendon and see him saying goodbye so I waved my hand in the background and Brendon chuckles and ends the broadcast to answer his phone. "Hey.... Yea.... Ok.... Cool I'll be there soon" I looked at him confused "Go get your shoes and a jacket were headed to the studio" he says to me as I loose the confused look and give him a more 'Really? OhMyGod' look and run upstairs.

~Le magical time skip~

"Ok were here!" Brendon says looking over at me "hmmm.. Oh! ok so I have a plan." he say and I give him an 'mhm and?' look "Ok so the guys dont know about me adopting you yet so I'm going to walk in and act normal like your not there, until you run in and act like a crazy fangirl. Ok?"  he looks at me for an answer "I love it!" I say and get out of the car and hide behind the wall near the door, I wait and listen. "Hey guys! I'm here!" that was my cue. I ran into the still open door and.. "OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD BRENDON, DAN, DALLON AND KENNY?" I scream like an over-obsessed fangirl. Brendon and I start laughing hysterically and the rest of them are looking at him in confusion. He walk over to me and puts an arm on my shoulder "You can act too kid!" then explains to them that I'm his daughter "She's a teen how'd you keep this from us?" Dallon asks "Adopted daughter Dal. A-dop-ted." Brendon says and I laugh 

"Ok anyways, Cassie." Dallon states looking over at me "You sing? Or play anything?" He asks me looking over to me cocking his head to the side a bit. "I sing and play ukulele, clarinet, some piano, some guitar, and a bit of flute." Dallon and Dan look over at me with an impressed look "What you have a lot of time to do anything if you've been in orphanages for 11 years" I shrug as I sit down on the couch behind the desk

Pulling out my phone and plugging in my ear buds I start listening to my shuffled playlist when I see Brendon point at me talking to the guys in a serious way. Oh no. He's talking about sending me back isn't he? I unplug one of my headphones and they notice and Brendon comes over to me. "Hey kiddo were talking about tour and we were wondering.." I perk up as he says this. "Wanna come with us on tour? I mean you'll miss a good 2 months of school so you'd come back around Apr-" I cut him off "Oh my god.. Really???" I almost scream "Yea, really. So I'm guessing that's a yes?" He asks "Yesyesyesyesyesyes. Oh my god I'm going to be on tour with you guys!!" I exclaim. This, Is going to be amazing.


Hey guys! So I have a story line for this but I do want some suggestions for things. That's all, Bye my doods and doodettes


Trade Mistakes (adopted by Brendon Urie) •{COMPLETED}•Where stories live. Discover now