Chapter 12- Thanks

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Knowing that all the things I would just dream about and think I knew would never happen, happened. "Brendon?" I ask him from where I'm still sitting on the couch. "Mhm?" I look him dead in the eyes, "Thanks" Brendon gives me a confused look "For what?" I look around the room. "This. You made my lifelong dream possible. " I pause "I thought I'd never get out of that hellhole, I thought I'd never be able to meet you and the rest of you guys, let alone see one of your concerts. And now I'm part of one of my favorite bands and the lead singer is my father." I look at the rest of them then Pete and hug him from in between my knees. "Thank you.." I whisper. "You.. You saved me and knew I'd be safe.even though it was a hellhole." I whisper again. This time barely audible. "I knew you would be strong, even though you had those dipshits back there. You were strong. And you still are." He looks up at me and I look back at him smiling nodding a thanks "3 minutes until Fall Out Boy! Backstage whoever is performing " I chuckle at that. They never know who is going to crash their show or if anyone is going to at all so they just say 'whoever'. My chuckle caused Dallon to look at me. ."Don't chuckle, be 'used to it" I look at him. "Don't tell me what to do." I say flipping my hair playfully off my shoulder. "You're not my dad he is" I say pointing to Brendon "Cassie. Listen to Dallon" I roll my eyes "goddammit" I mumble smiling "Language" Brendon says "Says the one who had a whole album about sex" I respond getting a high five from Patrick and Pete and an 'Ohh' from god knows who. Sounded like Kenny though. "You're only 14" He responds "Turning 15 in two days." I retorted "And You're apparently a fucking arsonist" I say putting 'fucking arsonist' in air finger quotes. Brendon sits down from our little duel. I lay my legs back down on Pete's shoulders only to have them lifted. "C'mon Urie. 2 minutes" Patrick says standing up. The rest of FOB standing as well. Pete struggling to stand from the floor "C'mon you're not 60" I say laughing sticking out my arm for him to grab my hand. He pulled himself up with a lot of force but I didn't budge.. "Cassie what the hell?" I look to Brendon and shrug. "What? He's nothing to me" I point to Pete scoffing. "Oh really?" I nod and walk over to him. "Ready?" I ask not waiting for an answer I pick him up by his waist. "Woah, Cass careful" Pete says warily as I bring him a couple inches from the ground then put him down bending backwards to crack my back. "Ok let's go!" I say raising my arm up. The FOB boys following me backstage.

~Oi oi m8~

"So!" I yell into my mic. 'What a Catch Donnie' just ended and I knew they were doing 'Sugar We're Goin' Down' next. I loved that song and that was one of the first songs that got me back into them. (True story, I heard one of their old songs and listened to the album but then got out of their music. Sugar we're goin down I heard in the car when I was like. 7 and got back into them thus now I'm the emo shit I am today) I heard the crowd scream, "What was that?" I ask hyping up the crowd a bit. they scream louder "Well sound like you're having fun!" Exclaim. "Ok anyways lets get this show started again" I yell walking over to Joe "Outta tune there" I say pointing to his guitar. "What? No see?" He turns a few pegs. "Yes it is" I say (My math teacher just said he graduated in 2001 and I just said "In the summer of 2001.." Help.. Drunk History ruined my life... Also um. I didn't wear blue for Autism awareness and scribbled a blue pen on my hand and they took that... Goddammit help me. Anyways, carry on reading.) "Wow" he says sarcastically as someone takes his guitar to tune it "Hehe. Tour pranks" I say into my mic and the crowd cheers. Good times here.


"Ok, time for something we all look forward to in these shows" Brendon looks to me and I smile. 


Ok, Hi guys. This is a short as hell update and I'm bored. This took two days and I'm just going to make it just this. I'm going on vacation tomorrow so.. Yea. Bye doods and doodettes


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